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AIO Construction

Eagle Scripts

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Successfully went from 75-99 construction in 2 days. Not bad. Some things worth disclosing to potential buyers:

Butler mode refuses to work in mirror mode


Don't expect top notch xp rates. It's quite inefficient compared to training by hand. Doing mahogany tables with butler it topped out at about 332k xp/hr 


Overall pleased though would recommend if you cbf training this aids skill 

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Hey mate nice script, using it on Oak dungeon doors currently. Just some feedback for you:

Seems to be pretty inefficient in doing this method as it fetches planks with butler, builds 2 doors, asks butler to fetch planks again and then sits doing nothing and waiting for it to return.

Efficient workflow would be (assuming we start with planks in inv): Ask butler to retrieve 20 planks, build 2 doors (by this point butler has returned and delivered planks), ask butler to retrieve 20 more planks, build 2 doors, repeat...

I understand that the script is very large and covers lots of different types of building and so adding specific optimizations may be hard/waste of time.

I'm happy to test it out again if you make changes.


Edit: ah I see someone has already posted about this :P

Edited by lQvkxSfm
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