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Flashboy's Blast Furnace and Tutorial Island


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Flashboy's Blast Furnace & Tutorial Island
BF Accounts ready to BOT:
Tutorial Island, 30 smithing, F2P 
Priced at 500k-700k OSRS GP Each Account
Tutorial Island Accounts:
Tutorial Island,, F2P
50-100k OSRS GP Each Account depending on quantity ordered.
Quest Completion
Quest Prices will be discussed on skype or through PM
Prices will be discussed on skype or through PM
Reply to this thread THEN PM me or Add My Skype: hadi.el-hajj1
Terms of Services

1. You CAN'T log in the account(s) that are being worked on by me until the order is complete.
2. You CAN'T change the password of the account until the service has been completed, or else the order will be cancelled with no REFUND.
3. You MUST change your password after the service is completed

4. If there are any items that are required to finish the order, discussion on who should provide them should be done before agreeing on the order.

5. If you have any wealth on the account, it is your responsibility to protect it.

6. Once the service is complete you must leave Feedback to my account.

7. My services do not include any botting action and is all done by hand. All bans/mutes become obsolete (unless evidence can be provided of prior botting)

8. You must agree to my TOS before ordering any of my services.294c8b846df358552977b53eac01445f.gif



Edited by flashboy
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1. You CAN'T log in the account(s) that are being worked on by me until the order is complete.

2. You CAN'T change the password of the account until the service has been completed, or else the order will be cancelled with no REFUND.

3. You MUST change your password after the service is completed

4. If there are any items that are required to finish the order, discussion on who should provide them should be done before agreeing on the order.

5. If you have any wealth on the account, it is your responsibility to protect it.

6. Once the service is complete you must leave Feedback to my account.

7. My services do not include any botting action and is all done by hand. All bans/mutes become obsolete (unless evidence can be provided of prior botting)

8. You must agree to my TOS before ordering any of my services.





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