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On 12/31/2018 at 10:21 PM, heheimpro said:

Guys, it hasn't outlined this in the OP, but is this script compatible with pures?

I'm 1prayer/1defence, would this be any good for me / does the script support 1def/pray?

Should work fine with 1 defence, 1 prayer could work but you would have to get the initial absorption potions to get started

On 1/1/2019 at 5:24 AM, amnesty said:

Hey Today im havinsg issue with the rock cake for some reason it keeps eatting all the way down instead of to 51 then ovling it just keeps rock caking past 51 please help

You still having this issue? was it mirror or stealth? 

On 1/3/2019 at 12:31 AM, slopcup said:

not sure how this guy thinks he should increase the price, the script is filled with bugs. 

i can never seem to get it to re-enter a dream.

did you select 're-enter dream' on the gui?

On 1/3/2019 at 4:40 AM, danielsoko said:

full  of bugs ,eats all absorps tries to spam  past 1000, waiting for a ban to happen

eating past 1000, could you show us the absorption settings you have, i added extra checks for 1000 points but i believe i have got a better more efficient way to grab the current points that might work out better. will add it today and see what happens

On 1/4/2019 at 2:55 PM, RealFibonacci said:

Was having issues with the bot starting smoothly, script kept trying to buy potions I already had a few times, preceded to have my account banned in under six hours.. 

Is this potion buying issue since the update on thursday, will see if something has been changed? the gui requires potions (4) and not doses


I have been away for a few days, got back last night and going to be working through some of the issues mentioned

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