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Fruity NMZ


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when it finnishes one game and starts another it isnt useing the rockcake for me, so if it starts a new game im goin in at 83hp(current lvl) then sip absorb/ovl an stays 33hp)

EDIT- checked logger and it dosent show anything just thiss
[INFO][06/07 04:09:55 PM]: Started bot #1
[DEBUG][06/07 04:13:01 PM]: Loading script id : 698
[DEBUG][06/07 04:13:04 PM]: Loaded script!
[DEBUG][06/07 04:13:04 PM]: Launching script...
[INFO][Bot #1][06/07 04:13:04 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][06/07 04:13:13 PM]: Started script : Fruity NMZ

Edited by toke up069
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15 hours ago, papaethan said:

How many hrs/day do you use this bot? Not sure how often I should be using it.

18/24hrs a day

the trick is doing everything in between dreams manually. also the one and only time I tried absorbs I got 2 day banned even with all the manual input



Edited by bedshaped
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Definitely will buy this script but im just curious for those who have it and are using it what are your break times set up as? For other scripts i do around 80 mins on 30 min break (to play it safe on an important account). Whats it like for this script? Will it run for 80ish mins then stop mid game, or will it ignore all of that and just do a run then log unless told otherwise and start another?


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