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Fruity NMZ


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hey Fruity, I'm currently trying to burst using your script. I'm using 20 prayer potions, 5 overloads and the rest of the 3 inventory spaces are death, chaos and water runes. When I insert 20 PP and 2OVL into the script (25 inventory spaces used), the script deposits my runes!

When I try and use 22 PP and 6 OVL, it still deposits my runes and takes out remaining!

Can you please fix this as I want to burst but the script keeps depositing my runes 

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Purchased this script as of yesterday, have been babysitting it quite a bit. 

When initially starting the bot, it will withdraw absorbs/ovls and eat the cake perfectly. Absoloutely no issue starting the script nor whilst it is in NMZ.

However once finished in with the dream, it will run to bank, deposit the dwarves cake and judging by the logger is attempting to withdraw zulrah scales in order to fill blowpipe which i am using. I have not toggled this option on for it to refill, however still attempts to do so. Because of this it will just sit at bank and do nothing, trying to search for the scales - at least i think.

When restarting script, there is no problem once again, but then re-entering after becomes an issue.

Other then the above, am loving your work! Very much appreciated.

Look forward to your reply, and if not i will come 'harass' you in the chat box haha, thanks mate.

Here is my log and me manually terminating script:

[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:39 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:39 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:39 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:40 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:40 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:40 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:40 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:41 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:41 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:41 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:41 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:42 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:42 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:42 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:42 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:43 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:43 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:43 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:44 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:44 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:44 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:44 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:45 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:45 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:45 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:45 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:46 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:46 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:49 PM]: Zulrah's scales
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:49 PM]: Terminating script Fruity NMZ...
[INFO][Bot #1][04/22 07:12:49 PM]: Script Fruity NMZ has exited!

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3 hours ago, ehry said:

is anyone else having issue with power surge? specifically for me while using a DDS power surge is clicked very slow and the bot will poke with the dagger every 2 hits. Nothing in log either. I now have to disable power surge because it looks very bot-like, besides that script is working flawless.


Yeah, I'm having an issue with the granite maul. Very slow clicks and it also takes way to long in between switching tabs to pray flick and go back to special. 

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On 4/15/2017 at 9:44 PM, Mxttie said:

Are you running this through the week or just on weekends? 

What are you thoughts on the ban rate atm?

Whats the highest xp/ph you have got? I see your getting 60k/ph but I thought you coul get could get closer to 100k/ph?

24/7 regardless of the day. thought on ban rates are rng based for me, script seems safe enough for now at least.

On 4/15/2017 at 0:08 PM, pnkwzrd said:

dude.. you fucking legend LOL 

I've been using this for 90 to 99 str on an alt but I only run it for a couple hours cause I get spooked, this makes me happy seeing 45 hours. Grats

thanks, going to be working on longer proggies soon :)

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