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Fruity NMZ


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On 4/11/2017 at 8:57 PM, SpiritualAbyss said:

and are there any requirements for absorbs/ovlds ? my fault, I never tried nmz

np. you just need a certain 5 quests and honestly thats all. i'd go with atleast 70 flat in melee but some start it at 60. google a nmz guide to find out what quests would be best for you and how to go about setting up a nmz dream and such then turn to botting :)

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On 4/10/2017 at 4:31 PM, DragonbornX said:

lol. no breaks, just absorb/ovlds. here's a 45 hour proggy that's going on right now :)   


dude.. you fucking legend LOL 

I've been using this for 90 to 99 str on an alt but I only run it for a couple hours cause I get spooked, this makes me happy seeing 45 hours. Grats

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On 10/04/2017 at 10:31 PM, DragonbornX said:

lol. no breaks, just absorb/ovlds. here's a 45 hour proggy that's going on right now :)   


Are you running this through the week or just on weekends? 

What are you thoughts on the ban rate atm?

Whats the highest xp/ph you have got? I see your getting 60k/ph but I thought you coul get could get closer to 100k/ph?

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Man I love the script! Only thing i don't understand is prayer flicking. Whenever i take prayer potions the script uses them and then when out of pots it will start flicking. Could this "flicking" be added as toggle when you use p pots too because the clicks aren't perfect and the prayer gets drained even if the script is flicking i.e Piety. 

So what i would like to see is the script flicking prayer until low prayer and then replenish the prayer points and keep flicking. IF this is already possible i have misunderstood something in the settings. Currently the only way for me to make the script flick piety is to run the script without prayer potions but it will run out of prayer too fast.




To anybody who is wondering should you buy the script: Go for it!

I have currently gotten total of 0 :ban: bans and here is my "signature":


Edited by jonathan ragnell
The signature link had to be modified and removed some unimportant crp
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On 15.4.2017 at 7:08 PM, pnkwzrd said:

dude.. you fucking legend LOL 

I've been using this for 90 to 99 str on an alt but I only run it for a couple hours cause I get spooked, this makes me happy seeing 45 hours. Grats

Ive done like 4 to 10 hr straight with no breaks and also approx 4-5hrs and break my entire time I've used the script. 0 bans and I've rand the script a lot!



Edited by jonathan ragnell
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