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Fruity NMZ


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Sure it just kept buy more overloads and absorbtions


Thank you will have a gander


hey man. having issues finding a host, It never even looks for it ... ? :?


Updated yesterday that should hopefully fix these issues


Hey Fruity, I wonder whether signatures still work? As I just tried to post one proggy and failed to load. Thanks!


Where is it you was getting the images? Sigs should still work :P


Could i have a trail please?


Will add


Would love a trial to this:)


Will add


In the misc section what does the attack option mean?


Also is there anyway to reload Blowpipe when out of charge/darts?


Blowpipe recharging is on my list of stuff to add! :D. and "Attack" option is if you want it too look more 'idle' and it will just wait for auto retaliate to do the attacking rather than interacting with the monsters. 



Also ac7842e6d97768aff90b2fc1589611ad.png


Very nice :o amazing prog haha

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Having an issue Dharoking with prayer pots. When starting the script to use prayer pots, piety and prot from melee. The script will just keep banking the rock cake after checking the box for it


Balls thought i fixed this in last push. on the GUI Select absorption potions but keep the number in the spinner 0 (so it doesnt bank for any or what not). originally it was dh -> absorption potions -> overloads as that is the most cheap/efficient way as with 70 defence absorptions usually last longer. try the selecting absorptions and leme know how it goes

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