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Fruity NMZ


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I've had a problem with the script not using its special attack. Also occasionally decides to stop eating rock cake to stay at 1hp


Special attack is power surge, lmk if u got it sorted, slow ik sorry been busy


Can you update it to support runes. Either from bank or pick up on floor in NMZ


Will look into it when i get time




why does this bot not re-bank and re get supplies after bot has ended? doesn't make sense


Select re-enter on the gui


It's currently broken after the update






[iNFO][01/05 03:30:21 PM]: Started script : Fruity NMZ
[iNFO][bot #1][01/05 03:31:26 PM]: 15064
[iNFO][bot #1][01/05 03:31:26 PM]: 100.0
[iNFO][bot #1][01/05 03:31:47 PM]: Terminating script Fruity NMZ...
[iNFO][bot #1][01/05 03:31:47 PM]: Script Fruity NMZ has exited!




Script is having trouble locating prayer selections. The script works, but you have reclick prayers once re-entering NMZ. Therefore, you can't run the script for long periods of time.



when do you think we can get a fix ohmy.png @


Been at work just got home and pushed a fix for rapid heal and melee prot, anything else broke?

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Only ran 1 dream of about 2.5 hours at a time, once per day. Perm banned, first offence on fully quested 3 y/o main account.


Getting banned using this for only 1 hour in a dream is pretty much impossible, you must have been using other scripts or something. I've been using this for months gaining over 40M exp on an account that already had a botting offense on it without being banned.

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