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Fruity NMZ


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One thing I noticed, is it still trys to Power Surge with maul if inventory is full. Obviously it can't if you have shield slot taken, so I'd maybe add something to fix that, from my understanding those repeated kind of mistakes get people caught


Apologies, i do have the stuff to check how many hands the weapons take and such. i may have removed something by mistake. will amend when i get home ^^. what weapon may i ask? it could be i have got it wrong

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for som reason when i do custom dream it breaks because i dont have mountain daugther but i use the other quest for it anyway to fix it ?



If you select the right quests and resume will the script continue as it should? wondering if its just an issue with it trying to select the demon

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If you select the right quests and resume will the script continue as it should? wondering if its just an issue with it trying to select the demon

jeah it does but i would like to run it over nigth :P its a problem because i run the mtd but withouth the bear because quest gives me prayer so i get another boss instead of the kendell

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jeah it does but i would like to run it over nigth :P its a problem because i run the mtd but withouth the bear because quest gives me prayer so i get another boss instead of the kendell


Then it isnt MTD xd. isnt so much an issue with the script more a feature you would like. I do have all the data for Custom NMZ bosses but i was waiting for the issues to settle. may add it soon.

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Jeah thats what i tried to say maybe make a setting like run custom thing so i can go over nigth :p


Yeah could probs add "Custom" along the radio buttons with mtd, demon, guthans, custom. then just make the script ignore selected bosses and enter the dream using the preset. could probs add that when i get home wouldnt take long

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Just some useful information for whoever may need it. Been using this script for a while I found that 4-8 hours is the sweet spot for low ban rate. I got a couple accounts banned doing 9-12 hour runs per every 24 hours (daily) it wasn't instant but it was within a week of about 9-10 hour sessions everyday. I would recommend just breaking for at least half an hour or more per session.


Also I do not recommend botting overnight like after midnight or 1 am . My accounts got banned when i tried botting during unusual hours 1am - 6 am. I would wake up login and get logged out and account would be disabled


Try to bot on normal hours ... hours which you would normally be on playing.



Edited by plazplaya95
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