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will trusted sellers in gold hesitate with me ?


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so yes as title states.


i cameback to the game to remember some nostalgy.


tried out botting in first few hours of my runescape nostalgy adventure both of them got banned.


my question is : will trusted gold sellers hesitate with newbies like me who only need like 1-2million gold to have fun in game ?


i really dont mind sending few euros to someone for some gold (which is hella hard to make mining rune essence with bronze pickaxe) :D




will they even bother with me ? if yes than ez money ez life. 

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well i have paypal do people still accept it ? only 1 thing i have tho, so not much place to move :>


how do i buy gold nowadays ? i noticed that u cant trade in a game for first 24 hours ? and after those I wouldnt have  any problem with getting caught , correct ?


i mean i was surprised how much jagex improved in bot hunting and shut down, so suddenly appearing gold in 1 account wont cause any issue, true ?


ty in advance some shitty questions , but if someone will answer them I will appreciate it.




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Depending on how you intend on paying they may be cautious, start off with small transactions and build yourself up some feedback. I'm sure people would not have a problem selling you low amounts of gold as long as you go first or use a middleman (middlemen can be found here - http://osbot.org/forum/forum/122-middlemen/ ). I'm sure you will gain a foothold in the market in no time, good luck ^_^

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Depending on how you intend on paying they may be cautious, start off with small transactions and build yourself up some feedback. I'm sure people would not have a problem selling you low amounts of gold as long as you go first or use a middleman (middlemen can be found here - http://osbot.org/forum/forum/122-middlemen/ ). I'm sure you will gain a foothold in the market in no time, good luck happy.png


ye when i made this topic i already had in mind that i will have no problem with sending money first as the gold is so cheap and its not like i need a lot of them. =D

tyty glad to hear that.

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