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I have a problem with being able to fishing at all the cage fishing spots in catherby. Seems like the bot only gets the first few fishing spots closest to the bank. Other than that awesome bot man! Keep up the good work!


Unfortunately this was the best I could do at the current time, the issue will be fixed when OSBots new walking system is released, otherwise a bigger, and more detectable bug will be in the script.


Best I can suggest right now is lobsters at fishing guild, i can confirm it is working flawlessly there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My script has stopped working today (19/11-15). When I start it, the script puts the cursor at the fish spot but doesnt click on the spot  so the bot doesn't start fishing.


Thanks for reporting the bug, could you give me some specifics on the location you were at?

Also, please open the console window in the top right corner to see if there are any errors :)

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Sorry to anyone that was having issues with karamja and getting stuck talking to customs officers or getting off the boat.

This was only brought to my attention the other day, so if there are things you arent satisfied with, don't expect them to be fixed if say nothing.


The issue seems to be resolved on my end. Best of luck!

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um after the recent update does anyone else have trouble banking at the fishing guild? my script opens the option but appears to not click open bank properly. It continues to sit at the bank attempting to open it.


Are you able to try a location like catherby to see if it is working there?

Assuming you have the premium version

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  • 2 weeks later...

currently at the fishing guild doing sharks and it keeps logging out spontaneously. have been babysitting it for the past 2 hours and there seems to be no reason why it should be doing that. On the logger it says log4. I just bought this script and i'm pretty disappointed since it looks exactly like a bot. Your osfishingguild on the other hand has no problem at all.

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currently at the fishing guild doing sharks and it keeps logging out spontaneously. have been babysitting it for the past 2 hours and there seems to be no reason why it should be doing that. On the logger it says log4. I just bought this script and i'm pretty disappointed since it looks exactly like a bot. Your osfishingguild on the other hand has no problem at all.


Thx for telling me the logger problem, made it easy to identify the issue :)

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