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Havent tried it, maybe show us the code you are using? I might check it out in a minute.

private void checkCamera() {
		if (s.myPlayer().getRotation() == northRotation) {
			if (s.getCamera().getYawAngle() < 360 - 45
					&& s.getCamera().getYawAngle() > 45) {
				s.log("turn north");
				int number = s.random(360 - 45, 360 + 45);
				if (number > 360)
					number -= 360;
		if (s.myPlayer().getRotation() == eastRotation) {
			if (s.getCamera().getYawAngle() < 45
					&& s.getCamera().getYawAngle() > 90 + 45) {
				s.getCamera().moveYaw(s.random(45, 90 + 45));
				s.log("turn east");
		if (s.myPlayer().getRotation() == southRotation) {
			if (s.getCamera().getYawAngle() < 90 + 45
					&& s.getCamera().getYawAngle() > 180 + 45) {
				s.getCamera().moveYaw(s.random(90 + 45, 180 + 45));
				s.log("turn south");
		if (s.myPlayer().getRotation() == westRotation) {
			if (s.getCamera().getYawAngle() < 90 + 45
					&& s.getCamera().getYawAngle() > 180 + 45) {
				s.getCamera().moveYaw(s.random(180 + 45, 360 - 45));
				s.log("turn west");

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private void checkCamera() {
		if (s.myPlayer().getRotation() == northRotation) {
			if (s.getCamera().getYawAngle() < 360 - 45
					&& s.getCamera().getYawAngle() > 45) {
				s.log("turn north");
				int number = s.random(360 - 45, 360 + 45);
				if (number > 360)
					number -= 360;
		if (s.myPlayer().getRotation() == eastRotation) {
			if (s.getCamera().getYawAngle() < 45
					&& s.getCamera().getYawAngle() > 90 + 45) {
				s.getCamera().moveYaw(s.random(45, 90 + 45));
				s.log("turn east");
		if (s.myPlayer().getRotation() == southRotation) {
			if (s.getCamera().getYawAngle() < 90 + 45
					&& s.getCamera().getYawAngle() > 180 + 45) {
				s.getCamera().moveYaw(s.random(90 + 45, 180 + 45));
				s.log("turn south");
		if (s.myPlayer().getRotation() == westRotation) {
			if (s.getCamera().getYawAngle() < 90 + 45
					&& s.getCamera().getYawAngle() > 180 + 45) {
				s.getCamera().moveYaw(s.random(180 + 45, 360 - 45));
				s.log("turn west");




Just tested strictly the moveYaw method, it works, its slow and jerky and doesnt go to the exact angle, but it works (kinda).

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Lol k.  Not sure what im doing wrong then sad.png Its not that important though. Thanks for ur help!



Well there are 360 possible degrees in the circle (obviously) and by the looks of it, your code will only execute on 4 of those degrees. 

0, 90, 180, 270, or whatever you defined those 4 constants to be. 

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Well there are 360 possible degrees in the circle (obviously) and by the looks of it, your code will only execute on 4 of those degrees. 

0, 90, 180, 270, or whatever you defined those 4 constants to be. 

That has to do with what direction the player is facing. (north, south, east, and west)

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