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Dispute against TzTok Jad


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Addition to this dispute.


Primo has refunded the user portion of his payment towards the order of 21m. That portion was 7m as disclosed by the victim.




That means Primo gained 14m from the quests I've completed.  Primo normally gets 15% cut, but I guess this time he deserved something bigger. 



Also a full refund - the user has stated that if we were refunded fully he would only expect 10m or from me.




Edited by TzTok Jad
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As I've previously stated, I will reimburse the user by March 30th. I know the current date is March 13th; that's literally impossible for me to do with 0 income for the next 3 weeks.

I don't think @Pololad agreed to that. So either you guys come to an agreement or you will be banned until you can reimburse him.

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Addition to this dispute.


Primo has refunded the user portion of his payment towards the order of 21m. That portion was 7m as disclosed by the victim.




That means Primo gained 14m from the quests I've completed.  Primo normally gets 15% cut, but I guess this time he deserved something bigger. 

You won't be getting scrap until you've accordingly refunded the victim.

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If the math is correct:


- : gets 15% of the order which is 3.15M (meaning 17.85M is left)

- Half of the order was done so under normal circumstances both users should receive 8.925M (17.85/2)

- The portion that should receive goes towards the reimbursment of @Pololad and if @Pain helps him out by donating 10M

he'll have reimbursed a total amount of 18.925M


 When all of the steps above are correctly handeled my conclusion is that @TzTok Jad still has to reimburse a total amount of 12.075M (31M - 18.925M) which has to be paid by 13th March 2015

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Primo you can't keep his cut, that he worked for, or you will be banned. 

Where did i state I'm keeping his cut?


I said once he reimburses Pololad, I will give him his 14M. How will i know if i give him the 14M he wouldnt just run off and say "fuck it" and wants to get banned? I'm not taking that risk.

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