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Butt-Bangin' da Botwatch [Road to Everything I've ever wanted]


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Okay, first of all Welcome to my Road-to thread..

There are couple of rules, that you must agree before continuing reading. First one is pretty simple, don't try to insult me saying that I leech. Second one is about my mother. Do not try to tell me that shes fat, she isn't. Thrid one might get complex for your AQ, you are not allowed to try get me vote for your political party. I only vote for Mr. Potato.


This goal is simply about creating 3-5 70-70-70 accounts, which I will be goldfarming on. My goal is just bot and when I am done botting, will bot some more.


Current progress isn't that impressive, started out yesterday.


Account 1:

Tutorial island done.

Attack: 33 / 70

Strength: 30 / 70

Defence 30 / 70



Account 2:

Tutorial island done.

Attack: 1 / 70

Strength: 35/70

Defence 1 / 70


Account 3:

Not started.


Account 4:

Not started.


Account 5:

Not started.


People, who have helped me butt-rapin' Mod Mark:

Fuck this.. It appears that I have to do it alone.. If you want to join, please donate me adamant armour sets for da looks. Thank's!

Edited by VAG
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