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To maldesto


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Won't let me pm

I need to provide proof that I have the gold to staff to sell it? What kind of rule is this I don't see the pont at all. I have yet to find someone that isn't undercutting me several hundred dollars so can you reopen thread and delete every non offer post ,thanks. And I will not be trading a staff member and showing my bank.. Do not see the point of this and I'm not letting people know who I am in game especially at the rate these hosts have been banned. Trading a staff member who has probably rwted before on that ip will probably set off some red flags at jagex.. And no one has ever been asked to "prove they have the gold to a staff member"

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The only reason you were asked to Trade a staff member was for the simple fact that your join date is Yesterday and you are already claiming to be selling 1200m 07 GP. No one is saying it's not true but the facts speak for themselves as looking a little dodgy. 


As for the PM limit it will not be removed, in the past there has been several occurrences where users join and spam their sites or viruses across all members and some fall for it. It's there as a safety feature and If you wish to have a bigger PM limit with freedom then purchase VIP. 


Your thread will not be reopened either, you can always stick around build somewhat of a reputation then attempt to sell your gold by all means. If you really are selling that amount then Gold sites will be your best bet and offer only around $0.2-0.4 less than anyone else when buying so that's your best bet. 


Hope that clears things up for you.

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