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Starting a new rs 2007 account (help)!


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Hello guys! I am working on a new account today and it is a Obby mauler. It will be 1 atk,1 def and 70+ str ... Well the 70 str is just a goal.... Anyone have some tips for leveling and getting that slayer staff. Thank you everyone smile.png

Edited by Lsd Tripping
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  On 10/30/2014 at 12:27 AM, Adventurer said:

Use a topaz machete.

Str ammy.

Combat bracelet.

full iron.


Start off with cows to make some money from hides or straight off from men in edgeville or monks.


this basically, and cows are pretty weak so u can train on em, not just for "money"


  On 10/30/2014 at 12:51 AM, before said:

Don't bot with this client.


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  On 10/29/2014 at 11:25 PM, Transaction said:

Hello guys! I am working on a new account today and it is a Obby mauler. It will be 1 atk,1 def and 70+ str ... Well the 70 str is just a goal.... Anyone have some tips for leveling and getting that slayer staff. Thank you everyone smile.png

well i have an obby mauler and it has 5 attack.


now if ure 1 range, i suggest u to cannon hard/multi area tasks until u reach the limit where ure not range based, if the limit is reached and u still havent got 55 slayer, start doing tasks with mage(u need 50 mage to wear the staff) so yeah ull get it while doing tasks with mage, and if u max out the mage and range limit and still have some slayer xp or lvls to get, this is where 5 attack(also great for staking!) will be needed because with 1 attack it will be like 20-30% slower.


also i suggest u to do one small favour quest(20kxp on ur choice) and varrock museum minigame(search it in google) which gives some xp which is pretty decent for slayer.



also if u would like to afk crabs, try waterbirth island.



btw if u bot then u can bot  at slayer tasks(less botobvious).



Goodluck on ur goal brah

i would also recommend not dismissing Exam and Genie Random Events because they give xp lamp/book of knowledge which is pretty decent xp for slayer and u an get tons of slayer xp while doing other activity.

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