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St Louis Powell shooting


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loool people really think the cops lives were at risk? *smh*


i was just wondering, what is the point of going through police training if you're going to gun down someone that has a knife like it were a firing squad?


the guy is begging for them to shoot him, obviously suicidal, you don't put 6 bullets through his brain lol, they act like he was holding a 12 meter samurai sword and was going to chop their necks off.


american police, what can ya say. Martial law is inbound.



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loool people really think the cops lives were at risk? *smh*


i was just wondering, what is the point of going through police training if you're going to gun down someone that has a knife like it were a firing squad?


the guy is begging for them to shoot him, obviously suicidal, you don't put 6 bullets through his brain lol, they act like he was holding a 12 meter samurai sword and was going to chop their necks off.


american police, what can ya say. Martial law is inbound.



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inb4 @@Swizzbeat tries to defend this somehow 'his life was at risk'

Are you aware of the damage a knife can do to the human body?


You obviously have absolutely no real world experience and have never been in any semi adrenaline pumping situation. I have no regrets saying that if someone was coming at me with a knife, and I had a gun, I would shoot them multiple times if they got within a few feet. Knives are not toys and can deal extensive damage.

Am I evil if I agree with Swizzbeat's views

No, you're having an opinion instead of agreeing with the majority who's argument is based on logical fallacies.

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Are you aware of the damage a knife can do to the human body?


You obviously have absolutely no real world experience and have never been in any semi adrenaline pumping situation. I have no regrets saying that if someone was coming at me with a knife, and I had a gun, I would shoot them multiple times if they got within a few feet. Knives are not toys and can deal extensive damage.

No, you're having an opinion instead of agreeing with the majority who's argument is based on logical fallacies.

Fight or flight

Flight> Still wouldve tried running away even if there was a man charging at me with a knifef

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Are you aware of the damage a knife can do to the human body?


You obviously have absolutely no real world experience and have never been in any semi adrenaline pumping situation. I have no regrets saying that if someone was coming at me with a knife, and I had a gun, I would shoot them multiple times if they got within a few feet. Knives are not toys and can deal extensive damage.


Are you aware this man didn't get within stabbing range or even close to it?


Are you aware that you don't have to stand your ground when you have a gun, you can back up.


Are you aware they could have shot and killed an innocent bystander if they can't even aim at legs properly?


Are you aware it's harder to get a headshot than to shoot at non-life threatening areas?


Are you aware he did not have his knife in a position to use it effectively? Anybody with any self-defence classes could have gotten wrist control, especially when there's 2 of you decked out in defensive gear.


Are you aware these officers pulled their pistols at head level, and shot to kill when they could have easily taken a different route?


There's is no justifiable reason this man died other than cowardice. If you think adrenaline is a justifiable reason to kill, then you're a fool.


What happened was a man asked to be killed, took 2 steps in the officer's direction not even within 10 feet of them and was barraged with bullets. You're a joke.


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Are you aware this man didn't get within stabbing range or even close to it?


Are you aware that you don't have to stand your ground when you have a gun, you can back up.


Are you aware they could have shot and killed an innocent bystander if they can't even aim at legs properly?


Are you aware it's harder to get a headshot than to shoot at non-life threatening areas?


Are you aware he did not have his knife in a position to use it effectively? Anybody with any self-defence classes could have gotten wrist control, especially when there's 2 of you decked out in defensive gear.


Are you aware these officers pulled their pistols at head level, and shot to kill when they could have easily taken a different route?


There's is no justifiable reason this man died other than cowardice. If you think adrenaline is a justifiable reason to kill, then you're a fool.


What happened was a man asked to be killed, took 2 steps in the officer's direction not even within 10 feet of them and was barraged with bullets. You're a joke.


I'm done entertaining someone with no worldly experience. You're that kid on the internet trying to look like a hard ass because you've never done anything in the real world (no, getting drunk, doing drugs, going to house parties, etc. has nothing to do with actual situations) and are still trying to "fit in". I highly doubt you've ever been in an encounter with someone coming at you with a weapon, so you cannot make judgements on how to act.


Self defence classes? Wow, talk about no knowledge of anything. inb4 you have no idea what muay thai or brazilian jiu jitsu is.

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I'm done entertaining someone with no worldly experience. You're that kid on the internet trying to look like a hard ass because you've never done anything in the real world (no, getting drunk, doing drugs, going to house parties, etc. has nothing to do with actual situations) and are still trying to "fit in". I highly doubt you've ever been in an encounter with someone coming at you with a weapon, so you cannot make judgements on how to act.


Self defence classes? Wow, talk about no knowledge of anything. inb4 you have no idea what muay thai or brazilian jiu jitsu is.


Do you realize how stupid you sound?




Are you stupid or just trolling? I can't tell...


P.S - you're arguing that cops can unjustly kill people and calling it "worldly experience". So troll, lol.

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Do you realize how stupid you sound?




Are you stupid or just trolling? I can't tell...


P.S - you're arguing that cops can unjustly kill people and calling it "worldly experience". So troll, lol.

If you can find an online site offering videos that go past moves like that arm bar that even my grandmom knows I'd be extremely surprised.


Also, if you had an IQ higher than a toothpicks you'd be able to follow this conversation and actually understand the ideas I'm trying to get across. Since you obviously cannot grasp or even comprehend them I'm only wasting my time replying.

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I found this video to be mildly disturbing. While there is no doubt that thousands of corrupt cops exist within the United States, the vast majority are at least mostly good. The reason we have this idea that police are evil is because the media feeds on tragedy as a means to generate money, and people also love something they can blindly throw support at. Police officers are trained to de-escalate situations as fast as possible, and when they shoot they always shoot to kill. Another reason people dislike the police force is because it is their job to enforce every stupid unethical law in the United States, and nobody likes being told what to do.


I'm all for a good conspiracy theory and calling out people when they do something stupid, but in this case if I had a gun drawn and was being charged at by a deranged man with a knife screaming shoot me, I would defend myself. Could this situation have been handled with no loss of life? Yes, of course. However, this is how the police are trained to handle these situations. Pro-tip, don't charge the police with a weapon (or anyone) if you don't want to die.

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If you can find an online site offering videos that go past moves like that arm bar that even my grandmom knows I'd be extremely surprised.


Also, if you had an IQ higher than a toothpicks you'd be able to follow this conversation and actually understand the ideas I'm trying to get across. Since you obviously cannot grasp or even comprehend them I'm only wasting my time replying.


Such a troll, asks me to understand his points when he hasn't even acknowledged mine and just handpicks what he responds too.

I've wrestled for over 9 years, and own a concealed carry permit. I carry a gun with me at all times, why do you make so many stupid assumptions and use them to prove your point further?


You must be a troll.


Also kinda lol'ing at you for saying I don't know what "brazilian jiu jitsu is" when in reality they're defined as a "self-defense system" which is what you just said I know nothing about? Do you even read what you type?


Since you REFUSED to read what I linked you and just said some dumb shit about an arm bar...



Police officer self defense also requires the officer to be well versed in defensive skills and techniques. Just like his offensive arsenal, the modern police officer needs defensive skills that are simple, practical and capable of being used against larger and stronger assailants. Moreover, she must be prepared to handle a myriad of criminal attacks; from an emotionally disturbed person (called EDPs) who a crazed knife attacker high on drugs or alcohol. Law enforcement officers need some of the following defensive street techniques:

  • knife defense techniques"
  • gun disarming techniques
  • fighting multiple attackers
  • baseball bat and bludgeon defense skills
  • hand to hand attacks

Yet all this training is wasted when all you need to do is shoot immediately. Once again, you're a joke.

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