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Joints or Blunts?


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I don't think its a really wise to promote drugs whatever drug it may be, and making suggestions for different drugs. I think these kind of opinions are better suited to oneself. Truthfully there could be Teenagers reading these kinds of comments and come on the generations are just getting worse and worse, please don't promote to get more lower than it already is.


Drugs are bad, and should be banned. Period. 


And before you say, ''LOL LMFAO drugs are bad???'' You have to take into consideration that the fact is drugs effect each individual differently teenagers think its cool cause other people are doing it and think they are having so much fun after taking it, only to find themselves in hospital Over dosing, or in some cases dying or in most cases getting peer pressured and feeling there is no where else to turn. 


Thats why I speak not only on my behalf but for all those teenagers that get peer pressured and don't know what their taking, for all those drug addicts that simply can't stop, and for all those who don't want anything to do with it.


Don't promote it, the world is already in a bad state as it is. 


No I don't want to debate over the topic, all I am asking is for some consideration and acknowledgement of the facts that are clearly here.

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