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Most depressing thing I've ever seen

Faded Throwback

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He's one of the few people to know what happiness feels like.

What he does is his business, not yours. Why do people focus so much on others and try to put them down when they could spend that time trying to do something that's actually productive?


How is burning over 1,000,000 logs productive? No, you're just banking and repeating the same thing you did over 35,000 times. Nothing about that is happiness, or productive. That's Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and depression.


Or clicking a screen over and over to no benefit other than to consume time productive or beneficial to your mental state?


I'm also not fully understanding the argument of "It's his life, and that is none of your business." - I mean, as a friend to this guy - someone would tell him that what he's doing is unhealthy. He's spending over 70% of his free time playing video games while not being paid for them.



He is a Norwegian guy who goes to school and playes in his spare time lol.


Not even possible to go to school full-time while playing as much as he does statistically speaking.

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whatever you say then you fucking weird little cunt 


Seriously that mad over me pointing out your .gif had a bad transition and snow was coming from the ground?


That and saying your car is ugly? Holy.



Really the most depressing thing is your jealousy. You're jealous because he actually achieved something in life and he is much better at a game than you are. Quite sad really that you feel this way.


Solid troll, I could buy his account he worked 8 months on for 2 weeks of my pay.

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Seriously that mad over me pointing out your .gif had a bad transition and snow was coming from the ground?


That and saying your car is ugly? Holy.




Solid troll, I could buy his account he worked 8 months on for 2 weeks of my pay.

No you talk shit about everyone. If you havnt got anything nice to say then dont say anything, I dont give a fuck what you say about my car or anything, I see you talking shit on everyone's posts. Just fuck off from osbot and go back to where you came from. 


Edit:if you are going to keep posting shit like this you are going to find it hard to make friends here. 

Edited by Hayden
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There is something called a bot, it basically plays runescape for you so you don't have to you should check it out!


Yeah, as if you can be #1 rank and bot... good luck with that.



No you talk shit about everyone. If you havnt got anything nice to say then dont say anything, I dont give a fuck what you say about my car or anything, I see you talking shit on everyone's posts. Just fuck off from osbot and go back to where you came from. 


Edit:if you are going to keep posting shit like this you are going to find it hard to make friends here. 



Point out one post that has been half as vulgar as yours ,or better yet - where I'm insulting anyone other than your terrible gif and car with a junk yard bumper on it... jesus dude, get a grip.

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Yeah, as if you can be #1 rank and bot... good luck with that.





Point out one post that has been half as vulgar as yours ,or better yet - where I'm insulting anyone other than your terrible gif and car with a junk yard bumper on it... jesus dude, get a grip.

Look mate im not going to fight with you on a forum but if you want to fit in here with us you better get a grip

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You are actually not accounting for the fast that CML takes the most efficiently into account. His REAL playtime is far greater than what CML says because he isn't 100% efficient at all times. Btw for firemaking he used magic logs burning for 18 hours a day.


this makes it even sadder lol


Look mate im not going to fight with you on a forum but if you want to fit in here with us you better get a grip


That's because you're wrong, lol. And I'm trying to revive a Forum with activity, there's not much to fit into when you're over 10% of the Forums posts.

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I found 1 positive post on this thread. You arnt doing a very good job of "reviving forum activity" 




this fucking idiot facep.gif Yes its bad but who gives a fuck. Its none of your business. If he is happy doing that then let him be. Maybe he is disabled and cant work so he spends his time playing games. 



whatever you say then you fucking weird little cunt 




No you talk shit about everyone. If you havnt got anything nice to say then dont say anything, I dont give a fuck what you say about my car or anything, I see you talking shit on everyone's posts. Just fuck off from osbot and go back to where you came from. 


Edit:if you are going to keep posting shit like this you are going to find it hard to make friends here. 



That's 1 more positive thing than you.



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