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False Feedback Dispute


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Disputed Member: Bassline
Why it should be removed: He left a neutral feedback stating I had access to his account and was supposed to be doing powerleveling for him.
Details: I originally has access to his account to do a power leveling service. After being notified IRL that I had certain things to do I realized I would not have time to complete his order by the deadline which he made. I handed the order off to another member (telling Bassline this on skype to which he did not reply) and had to do the IRL things I mentioned previously. I then got back and noticed he left me a feedback and then was banned shortly afterwards.
Link to topic: Not sure this happened awhile ago. Didn't appeal it until now just due to the fact I didn't mind that much. But now that I have been more active on OSBot selling RSGP it's a bit annoying it seeing it there on my feedback page lol.

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I never had possession of the money. It was either given to Roomscape or Roomscap Jr. Not sure which. This all happened awhile ago and it's not a big deal if it can't be removed. I just can't really go through that many skype chat logs since I don't have him added anymore. Was just curious if it could be removed. thanks for the replies guys.

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I'm inclined to say it should stay. If you need to pass off an order, it should have gone through your service owner (Roomscape).

If you can't find any proof that it went through that (and that the service orderer was notified), then I'm going to decline your request. Feel free to open another dispute with more information ^.^

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