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A Beginners Guide to Writing OSBot Scripts (where to get started!) by Apaec


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A little update from my adventures so far.

Managed to get my first ban on suicide account I used to test script for wooducutting. Got till like 45 woodcutting, lvl 3, f2p. No biggie, expected, but not so soon, tbh.

Since I had no other accounts to woodcut from (all of others are currentyl lvl 1 wc), had to change the script a little bit.
With the help of tutorials on this forums section, I managed to add banking and Area walking! Seems promising so far, now I need to figure it out how to make it chop trees ONLY in the specific Area. Something Apaec already mentioned...


Nonetheless, I already have an idea for my next script (or next 2). Therefore I would like to ask a question related with my further adventures into scripting - how should I handle dialogue with NPC? I mean, going through various options?


Thanks! Will keep you updated with my progress!

Edited by Magerange
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A little update from my adventures so far.

Managed to get my first ban on suicide account I used to test script for wooducutting. Got till like 45 woodcutting, lvl 3, f2p. No biggie, expected, but not so soon, tbh.

Since I had no other accounts to woodcut from (all of others are currentyl lvl 1 wc), had to change the script a little bit.

With the help of tutorials on this forums section, I managed to add banking and Area walking! Seems promising so far, now I need to figure it out how to make it chop trees ONLY in the specific Area. Something Apaec already mentioned...


Nonetheless, I already have an idea for my next script (or next 2). Therefore I would like to ask a question related with my further adventures into scripting - how should I handle dialogue with NPC? I mean, going through various options?


Thanks! Will keep you updated with my progress!


Awesome progress! And yes, if you "suicide" bot (just leave it running) you will get banned no matter what :)


As for dialogues, take a look at the API http://osbot.org/api/ , specifically http://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/api/Dialogues.html


Hopefully the suite of methods available there should suffice for your needs!



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1 hour ago, BotScaper said:

Hey is there a skeleton for an attack bot i could find anywhere.

You can more or less use the tea thiever skeleton as a starting point, however it may help you to look at some complete scripts, so i'd recommend browsing the combat section of the local scripts sub-forum and downloading some of the scripts there. Then you can decompile some of the jars, and provided they are not obfuscated you should get a rough idea of what the source code is! :) There should be a bunch of free java decompilers (even online ones) available online :)


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29 minutes ago, Apaec said:

You can more or less use the tea thiever skeleton as a starting point, however it may help you to look at some complete scripts, so i'd recommend browsing the combat section of the local scripts sub-forum and downloading some of the scripts there. Then you can decompile some of the jars, and provided they are not obfuscated you should get a rough idea of what the source code is! :) There should be a bunch of free java decompilers (even online ones) available online :)


Could I PM you a small script to see if im getting onto the right start, I tried using lists to define which items to pick up and which food to eat

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