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Just got my SAT 1 score back


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I got a 2010 and still didn't get into the school I wanted too. Took it 3 times though. smile.png


I took it 3 times. Failed it the first time lol. but wtf 2010 and the school didnt accept that score?

Hey congrats smile.png, I am taking the Law school admissions test myself in september 27th it's the final awful test of my life and then I can go to law school after I graduate college in 2015. Then come 2018 never have to set foot into a school ever again smile.png.


good luck bro!

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u smart cunt, mine is a 3.2 lol


The thing to remember is we all have our strengths and weaknesses and that gpa/sat score/recommendation letters, personal statement, etc; each thing only makes up a portion of your application(each being very important obviously but not the end if one is average, but the other parts are all high ranked). Such is life though, we all start off relatively equal to each other and as time progresses thing's change, and we become different people with different thoughts and goals, strengths/weaknesses.


Here's a neat story about my educational journey if you're up for a really inspirational story.

I missed two years of high school for reasons out of my control and still got a 1470 on the sat  the one time I took it back in 2011 (1400 being the average nationally which is based on the average student who only misses maybe eight days in total throughout high school). I got a GED though because the idiots at the school district tried to F with me even though I made it abundantly clear that I would easily overcome them just like I did the previous one that I ran away from in search of a better education(jerks at the old place had me in remedial classes learning left from right because the meds I was on truly made me that impaired lol). I made up the two years I missed in seven months(I could have stayed and graduated in 2012 even though I was meant to graduate back in 2011).

I always hated how I was wrongly held back and made it my life's work to graduate college in 2015 as if I was never held back. Clearly, it all worked out as I am a senior now after all in only two years of nonstop college. This summer was like my 1st break in two years of nonstop work(still I only did all LSAT prep so not much of a break). That's with almost two years of being a senator for student government, Secretary for my campus's anime club and President and founder of College Libertarians of my campus may 2014.

My GPA is 3.91 too. It's been a crazy ride and essentially if I do really well on the LSAT on September 27th, I could have a good shot at Harvard/Yale law or really any of the top 20, which is my goal =) *strongly looking at University of Virginia Law school, which is #7 nationally and #4 where the top law firms recruit future employees).

I am a not very good socially though (not rude or offensive, I am actually very proper/respectful I am just really introverted/shy/bad social anxiety/don't pick up on non verbal cues). Being alone for most of my life and being formerly 100lbs over weight will cause someone to be such I suppose . So that's something I need to focus on; become more outgoing/less anxious about socializing. I am also quite depressed for some big reasons mostly because of this awful event that happened in mid april this year; I haven't even begun to recover myself from that time and can't until I finally take the LSAT exam. It's almost over though  and I will get through it smile.png.


Sorry for my long inspirational speech thingy it's just a neat story that's very inspirational/uplifting in times where one is sad/doubts themselves.


I am sure you'll make it to a great school smile.png.

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