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Good Computer/Xbox One games to play?


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Hi all, 

         I'm wondering if anyone knows of anyone good games I could download on my computer or buy for my Xbox one.  I have been really bored lately, and I have more free time on my hands now as my summer is winding down.   I am currently playing  Fifa 14 on my Xbox, and I have Civilization V: GOTY Edition, as well as Mount and Blade: Warband, and some other games on steam.   I like playing 3rd person shooters and I also like Strategy, Role Playing, and games like RuneScape.   Does anyone here have any good suggestions?   


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Yeah I'll be waiting for that.



Also does anyone know of any good games that are similar to RuneScape?

Honestly I don't think there are any other games similar to runescape really, I mean there's much more mmos and really good ones but runescape is kind of unique in my opinion. You should try out these Guild wars 2, world of warcraft, star wars the old republic and theres much more if you go searching. World of Warcraft starts out pretty repetitive, go kill 6 wolves then grab me some crates but after you get to around level 15 - 20 it becomes a lot more enjoyable in my opinion with mounts and dungeons which are awesome plus it has lots of fun endgame content. Star wars the old republic is sort of like Wow with how it starts out repetitive but it gets better at higher levels. Guild wars 2 is just all around awesome this review just sums it up - 

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Honestly I don't think there are any other games similar to runescape really, I mean there's much more mmos and really good ones but runescape is kind of unique in my opinion. You should try out these Guild wars 2, world of warcraft, star wars the old republic and theres much more if you go searching. World of Warcraft starts out pretty repetitive, go kill 6 wolves then grab me some crates but after you get to around level 15 - 20 it becomes a lot more enjoyable in my opinion with mounts and dungeons which are awesome plus it has lots of fun endgame content. Star wars the old republic is sort of like Wow with how it starts out repetitive but it gets better at higher levels. Guild wars 2 is just all around awesome this review just sums it up - 

Yeah I played SWTOR for a while, but nobody else played it with me, so it got kind of boring.


I will check out Guild Wars 2.  I'm not sure if I want to pay a lot of money though.   Do they offer free trials or something?




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Yeah I played SWTOR for a while, but nobody else played it with me, so it got kind of boring.


I will check out Guild Wars 2.  I'm not sure if I want to pay a lot of money though.   Do they offer free trials or something?



No I dont think its got a free trial but its a subscription free mmo so just pay $50 once and you get all the add ons and content forever plus they add new storys and bosses like every 2 weeks so it always feels fresh and new

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