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Computer build service


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Considering I've been available and readily providing help for ~3 years on botting forums, even if they were to upgrade, I'm available to help.

Not everyone is able to learn the specifics of computers, therefore I'm there to help where others won't.


Also, they will be learning how to build the system, just not which components are compatible.


That's where you're wrong.... Everyone IS able to learn specifics of computers. I learned how to build and repair computers when I was 15. It's people like you who are the reason why people have no confidence. It's really not that hard.


They won't be learning how to build the system if all you are doing is saying "build this". Yeah building legos aint hard, knowing what the legos do is the important part. You can't tell them "get this processor" or "get this graphics card" because then they aren't learning anything.


Offer help that's great. I'm glad people are generous. Just don't do everything for people.


And yes it's their decision but people that's pathetic.


Learn how to do it, do some research. It will only do you good.

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That's where you're wrong.... Everyone IS able to learn specifics of computers. I learned how to build and repair computers when I was 15. It's people like you who are the reason why people have no confidence. It's really not that hard.


They won't be learning how to build the system if all you are doing is saying "build this". Yeah building legos aint hard, knowing what the legos do is the important part. You can't tell them "get this processor" or "get this graphics card" because then they aren't learning anything.


Offer help that's great. I'm glad people are generous. Just don't do everything for people.


And yes it's their decision but people that's pathetic.


Learn how to do it, do some research. It will only do you good.

Given that not everyone has the time to learn the specifics between processor archetypes, which symbols denote certain things, chipset variants and what they do alongside various other factors such as the quality of components as well as the noise levels, no they cannot learn to do that.


While you don't know me and that I have recommended building your own PC from the beginning when I learned myself, I think you ought to try loosen up if you don't want to be branded a condescending asshat.


I also stay attempt to stay up-to-date with hardware (which does take time), by no means can someone just learn how to build their own setup without making grave flaws.

It's people like you that think everyone has the time in the world to learn everything, now I'd appreciate if you weren't so condescending because I'm merely offering a service while you're essentially accusing me of reducing peoples' confidence when I do the complete opposite.

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I do plan on building one soon, and I don't know much when it comes to computers... But I just want to ask, what does it take to be able to run like 7 osbot 2 clients without any lag. How much would I have to spend for that? 

Unfortunately I have zero experience with osbot as botting became too flaky for me with all the current bot-watch events going on.


If you can tell me your current processor and the number of bots you can run, I can get a bit of an idea.

Also, is the build solely for botting, or will it be used for gaming as well?

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Unfortunately I have zero experience with osbot as botting became too flaky for me with all the current bot-watch events going on.


If you can tell me your current processor and the number of bots you can run, I can get a bit of an idea.

Also, is the build solely for botting, or will it be used for gaming as well?


I don't game other than runescape and one other game called Conquer Online but that needs almost no requirements to run. 

I'm also possibly going to stream runescape in the future. 


Currently, I'm using a shitty laptop. Here:






I can run 1 client smoothly, 2 starts getting a little laggy. I've never tried 3 but I assume it'd be possible but really laggy. My laptop has overheating problems anyways, so 2 would probably overheat it after a while.

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I don't game other than runescape and one other game called Conquer Online but that needs almost no requirements to run. 

I'm also possibly going to stream runescape in the future. 


Currently, I'm using a shitty laptop. Here:






I can run 1 client smoothly, 2 starts getting a little laggy. I've never tried 3 but I assume it'd be possible but really laggy. My laptop has overheating problems anyways, so 2 would probably overheat it after a while.

Yeah I used to play Conquer Online a lot, though the class additions really ruined it imo.

Which currency do you use? I'll list a build that should run 7 clients fairly well while being as cheap as I can make it.

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Yeah I used to play Conquer Online a lot, though the class additions really ruined it imo.

Which currency do you use? I'll list a build that should run 7 clients fairly well while being as cheap as I can make it.


Haha I know right. I play a private server and just play it casually. Us or Canadian currency please.

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Haha I know right. I play a private server and just play it casually. Us or Canadian currency please.

Sorry for the late reply, those league games D:

I eventually began playing a private server, but it quickly dawned on me how useless Trojans are against Monks and Pirates :T



That build should handle at least 7 bots, and streaming will be a cinch while moderate gaming will be fairly good on 1080p.

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Given that not everyone has the time to learn the specifics between processor archetypes, which symbols denote certain things, chipset variants and what they do alongside various other factors such as the quality of components as well as the noise levels, no they cannot learn to do that.


While you don't know me and that I have recommended building your own PC from the beginning when I learned myself, I think you ought to try loosen up if you don't want to be branded a condescending asshat.


I also stay attempt to stay up-to-date with hardware (which does take time), by no means can someone just learn how to build their own setup without making grave flaws.

It's people like you that think everyone has the time in the world to learn everything, now I'd appreciate if you weren't so condescending because I'm merely offering a service while you're essentially accusing me of reducing peoples' confidence when I do the complete opposite.


BAHAHAHA! If they have the time to go on osbot forums and to listen to you, they have the time to google about computers once in awhile. 


Stop making excuses for people and contributing to the laziness of society. If people don't have the time to research, then they obviously don't have the time to be checking on osbot and I'm sure other forums on how to create a computer.


I get what you're doing and I respect that. Again, I encourage you to help people. But either have people research or teach them what they need to know about the computer.


I am in no way acting like an "asshat -?" I'm just saying if people are willing to pay a lot of money for a computer that they will be using frequently and quite possibly might need to know how to fix it, upgrade it, etc, then they need to learn how it all works and not listen to one random person on the internet to make a $100+/$1000+ decision for them.


Many times in my teens did I ask my stepdad for help and advice on what I needed to know to build a computer. He didn't tell me a single thing except "Google". I was angry of course at the time but now that I look back at it I'm very grateful. I learned everything I knew on my own and although it was hard it was doable.


And yes people might not have all the time to research EVERYTHING about computers which is why computer-savy people can guide them a bit and help them learn.


Now maybe that's what you're doing, but it sounds like they say they want a computer and you send them a link and maybe there is a bit of explaining but not enough and someone goes and buys hardware they barely no 2 shits about.



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BAHAHAHA! If they have the time to go on osbot forums and to listen to you, they have the time to google about computers once in awhile. 


Stop making excuses for people and contributing to the laziness of society. If people don't have the time to research, then they obviously don't have the time to be checking on osbot and I'm sure other forums on how to create a computer.


I get what you're doing and I respect that. Again, I encourage you to help people. But either have people research or teach them what they need to know about the computer.


I am in no way acting like an "asshat -?" I'm just saying if people are willing to pay a lot of money for a computer that they will be using frequently and quite possibly might need to know how to fix it, upgrade it, etc, then they need to learn how it all works and not listen to one random person on the internet to make a $100+/$1000+ decision for them.


Many times in my teens did I ask my stepdad for help and advice on what I needed to know to build a computer. He didn't tell me a single thing except "Google". I was angry of course at the time but now that I look back at it I'm very grateful. I learned everything I knew on my own and although it was hard it was doable.


And yes people might not have all the time to research EVERYTHING about computers which is why computer-savy people can guide them a bit and help them learn.


Now maybe that's what you're doing, but it sounds like they say they want a computer and you send them a link and maybe there is a bit of explaining but not enough and someone goes and buys hardware they barely no 2 shits about.

I can only assume you think I link people builds and leave them, which is not the case, I have more people on Skype who I have guided through building their system, and now know their way around computers.


The point being they will learn through the process of building, the chances are they won't want to know about it, the ones that do will and do ask me questions.


So, while i understand what you're getting at, not everyone wants to know about computers and it's up to me to provide them with an optimized system for their uses.

If you want to continue this, I'd advise using the PM system as it's only cluttering this thread.

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I can only assume you think I link people builds and leave them, which is not the case, I have more people on Skype who I have guided through building their system, and now know their way around a 


The point being they will learn through the process of building, the chances are they won't want to know about it, the ones that do will and do ask me questions.


So, while i understand what you're getting at, not everyone wants to know about computers and it's up to me to provide them with an optimized system for their uses.

If you want to continue this, I'd advise using the PM system as it's only cluttering this thread.


My points is, getting help to build a system isn't what people need. They can easily go to Frys electronics and they'll do the same exact thing. Or people can simply look on youtube. The  building process is not that hard. Even the manuals are simple enough to understand.


^^^After saying this I must note that I'm not against helping with the building process. I think it's great and yes sometimes people can get stuck. 


You keep avoiding my point which is people need to stop being lazy and become less ignorant. I'm not going to continue to argue and yes let's PM if you want.




I simply wanted people to read this in hopes that they will make an effort do a bit of research. It's also annoying how many people these days are spoonfed bullshit information that they just believe with no background info/extensive research.


^^^Having said that, I do not get the impression that you are misguiding people or don't know your info. But when people are spoonfed by the most intelligent it still contributes to the overall problem.




There have been so many people in my computer/repair classes that create computers with no knowledge at all. All they did was ask people on forums or in my class what they should get and then they spend too much money and if anything goes wrong they have no idea what to do.


If people are going to own a computer and use it frequently then they should at least know a little about it. Again stop making excuses for people to be lazy.


Computers are the future. Learning about them a bit would only benefit them.



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My points is, getting help to build a system isn't what people need. They can easily go to Frys electronics and they'll do the same exact thing. Or people can simply look on youtube. The  building process is not that hard. Even the manuals are simple enough to understand.


^^^After saying this I must note that I'm not against helping with the building process. I think it's great and yes sometimes people can get stuck. 


You keep avoiding my point which is people need to stop being lazy and become less ignorant. I'm not going to continue to argue and yes let's PM if you want.




I simply wanted people to read this in hopes that they will make an effort do a bit of research. It's also annoying how many people these days are spoonfed bullshit information that they just believe with no background info/extensive research.


^^^Having said that, I do not get the impression that you are misguiding people or don't know your info. But when people are spoonfed by the most intelligent it still contributes to the overall problem.




There have been so many people in my computer/repair classes that create computers with no knowledge at all. All they did was ask people on forums or in my class what they should get and then they spend too much money and if anything goes wrong they have no idea what to do.


If people are going to own a computer and use it frequently then they should at least know a little about it. Again stop making excuses for people to be lazy.


Computers are the future. Learning about them a bit would only benefit them.




There's a severe difference between being lazy, and completely not interested in how to build and configure a system, if they care about the latter then they ask me an I point them to reputable sources of information, namely LinusTechTips.


You're also commenting on something you've never experienced first-hand and you merely make assumptions pertaining to it, you've never had me help you, so how can you say I merely spoonfeed?


I'm leaving it at this because this isn't benefiting anyone, every person I have helped now has experience and knows how to configure systems as well as maintain them, so it essentially covers what you want anyway.

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There's a severe difference between being lazy, and completely not interested in how to build and configure a system, if they care about the latter then they ask me an I point them to reputable sources of information, namely LinusTechTips.


You're also commenting on something you've never experienced first-hand and you merely make assumptions pertaining to it, you've never had me help you, so how can you say I merely spoonfeed?


I'm leaving it at this because this isn't benefiting anyone, every person I have helped now has experience and knows how to configure systems as well as maintain them, so it essentially covers what you want anyway.


If they aren't interested in how to build/configure a system, then they shouldn't build their own device. They should buy a cheap laptop and their nearest wally world.




Then as a benefit to people please accurately tell me what advice you give and why or why not it is spoonfeed information.

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If they aren't interested in how to build/configure a system, then they shouldn't build their own device. They should buy a cheap laptop and their nearest wally world.




Then as a benefit to people please accurately tell me what advice you give and why or why not it is spoonfeed information.

Considering I despise pre-built systems due to the fact they're more often than not terribly optimized for the users' requirements, I wouldn't let someone buy a pre-built as long as I have an influence over their opinion.

I quite like how you assume everyone is lazy if they simply don't have the time, those who speak with me always leave knowing what is what and it doesn't take much time.


That is essentially a go-to for building a system, Linus' reputation is just about the best I've come across, any further questions I answer personally.

I'd like to draw upon an example, though I was banned from PB and that's no longer possible.

[00:00:09] Sean Cattee - YubiBotter PB: If you'd like any clarification as to why certain things were chosen, I can explain.
[00:00:56] Stan [Ask for a pm before trading]: Well im a newbie bu I know some things about computers
[00:01:08] Stan [Ask for a pm before trading]: Whats the difference bwtween amd and intel?
[00:01:15] Stan [Ask for a pm before trading]: Intel is stable thays what ik
[00:01:25] Sean Cattee - YubiBotter PB: AMD is also stable :P
[00:01:37] Sean Cattee - YubiBotter PB: Processors are clocked at a frequency, Ghz etc
[00:01:50] Sean Cattee - YubiBotter PB: AMD will often have a higher GHz than Intel, because Intel has better performance per GHz
[00:02:07] Stan [Ask for a pm before trading]: What is better for gaming amd or intel?
[00:02:23] Sean Cattee - YubiBotter PB: For gaming, they're perfectly similar.
[00:02:34] Sean Cattee - YubiBotter PB: Very select few things will differentiate, for example Emulation.
[00:02:52] Sean Cattee - YubiBotter PB: I Emulate the Wii and PS2, that requires strong cores (which Intel has)
[00:04:32] Sean Cattee - YubiBotter PB: Naturally each brand is better at certain things, but for Gaming you can have whichever you like.
[00:04:49] Sean Cattee - YubiBotter PB: However your budget would get you more performance if you went with AMD, hence my choice.
[00:04:57] Stan [Ask for a pm before trading]: ah ok
[00:05:15] Stan [Ask for a pm before trading]: Would it be a difference if you added 8 core instead of 6?
[00:05:20] Sean Cattee - YubiBotter PB: Nah
[00:05:28] Sean Cattee - YubiBotter PB: Games barely use 4, let alone 6 ;p
[00:05:43] Sean Cattee - YubiBotter PB: The 6 core I picked is just so you can have great performance while a game is running.
[00:05:58] Sean Cattee - YubiBotter PB: To be honest, most games don't use two cores.
[00:06:16] Stan [Ask for a pm before trading]: Well I play sometimes League of legends
[00:06:24] Stan [Ask for a pm before trading]: Would be awesome having 100+ fps
[00:06:37] Sean Cattee - YubiBotter PB: You'll should get much more than 100fps
[00:07:21] Sean Cattee - YubiBotter PB: The processor and graphics card are all up for it :P I've recommended the same processor to a guy who plays League before.
[00:07:33] Stan [Ask for a pm before trading]: ah ok
[00:08:02] Stan [Ask for a pm before trading]: I have a question
[00:08:08] Stan [Ask for a pm before trading]: putting it all together
[00:08:14] Stan [Ask for a pm before trading]: Havent done before
[00:08:46] Sean Cattee - YubiBotter PB: I would highly recommend Linus:

[00:08:55] Sean Cattee - YubiBotter PB: However if you have particular questions, I can certainly help. [00:09:21] Stan [Ask for a pm before trading]: alright, thanks [00:09:26] Sean Cattee - YubiBotter PB: It might take you a little while to build it, but hey, everyone needs a little time with their first build. [00:09:40] Stan [Ask for a pm before trading]: haha yeah [00:32:47] Stan [Ask for a pm before trading]: hmm [00:32:54] Stan [Ask for a pm before trading]: wouldnt i need fans? [00:33:02] Sean Cattee - YubiBotter PB: Nah, the case comes with some fans. [00:35:45] Stan [Ask for a pm before trading]: Do you know the noise it will cause? [00:35:50] Stan [Ask for a pm before trading]: like if any? [00:38:03] Sean Cattee - YubiBotter PB: Little, I like to tailor builds to be as quite as possible as I hate loud systems. [00:38:22] Stan [Ask for a pm before trading]: ok [00:53:23] Stan [Ask for a pm before trading]: thanks for the video :) [00:53:28] Stan [Ask for a pm before trading]: was very helpful [03:55:03] Stan [Ask for a pm before trading]: hey [03:55:07] Stan [Ask for a pm before trading]: so about the case [03:59:30] Stan [Ask for a pm before trading]: is it good [03:59:34] Stan [Ask for a pm before trading]: looks plain lol [04:00:35] Stan [Ask for a pm before trading]: not that its bad just want something looking badass [04:18:17] Sean Cattee - YubiBotter PB: Yeah it's good ;P the flashy ones are often terrible to be honest. [04:19:39] Sean Cattee - YubiBotter PB: Now off ;P Its 4:20am here

The last person to have spoken to me, hopefully he doesn't mind me quoting.

Likely a late reply as I'm going to have a bath.

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