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thoughts of a pug


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so after being banned about 10 times over the last month or so im finally saying fuck you to jagex for the time being until someone on the internet comes up with a way to circumvent the new system they have in place. Talking of which the recent spate of bans got me thinking this morning about what kind of system would be in place.


We have all heard about hot spots, the same actions being performed over and over or mouse movements being recorded. But After sitting eating this morning with the first cup of tea of the day i started to think about how i got banned this last time. I have been making planks over the last week with my own script and tinkering with its path walking and interactions.During which time id probably clocked up 2 days in game time botting. No ban, no temp ban, no mods or anything. But as soon as i run the script with no changes for 5 hours with small breaks i get hit with the ban.


So why am i saying all this. Well it got me thinking of a profiling system. What i mean is where a automatic system is running live on the servers looking for constants, such as clicking the same tiles, bugs in a script such as walking a certain way, clicking the same banker. or banking in the same spot time after time. All this leads up to the system building up a profile of the account and then banning it without need for staff.


I found it interesting that if i kept the scripts movements fresh and constantly changing no ban would occur, as soon as you repeat shit over and over the system gets you.



just a Pugs thoughts on the last few days.

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