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Molly's Thiever


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22 hours ago, spdtiger said:

ardy fur gets stuck when it comes back from the bank right next to the stairs.

Fixed, will be live in v5.9 which I just pushed.

On 7/1/2017 at 5:37 PM, talipen said:

literally the script doesnt pick anything up


doesnt click the stall half the time .... useless waste of money :(



17 hours ago, Mayhs said:

Is this broken or what because it does not do anything........

You guys need to include more information. I have a bug report format outlined in my OP. I just tested the script while fixing the issue outlined by spdtiger and didn't encounter the issues you guys talked about, but I also don't know what settings you were using which makes debugging near impossible. I will say, if the bot is idling at a stall and not stealing that might be because a guard is within range to catch you if you steal, if you include a copy of what the logger says with your bug report it will state if that is the reason for idling.

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On 7/2/2017 at 7:24 PM, talipen said:

the debug was clear... just didn't theiv would constantly not in safe tile

You still haven't included enough information, fill out the bug report form I have in my OP when you have issues please. The bot has the option to thieve from multiple stalls, you haven't even told me which one you were attempting to use.

15 minutes ago, cory97 said:

id like a trial of the thiever please :D

You have one now.

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On 7/5/2017 at 0:18 AM, slayer121 said:

i'd like a trial too if at all possible please! thank you!


On 7/5/2017 at 8:23 PM, did u c it said:

can i please get a trial to test this script before purchase


23 hours ago, xnefoo said:
  Reveal hidden contents


Could I get a trial please?


6 hours ago, spankamackem said:

Could i try a free trial please



You all have trials now.

On 7/5/2017 at 7:05 AM, talipen said:

Description of bug(where, what, when, why):

ardy silk store, in deadman, 2 days ago, said was standing in wrong tile, literally it was busy so if it didnt get the silkl on the first try it wouldnt click again

Log: debug was empty

Your settings: were no food, and  0 delay

Mirror mode: Y/N? n

Looks like the issue was a guard within the area that triggered the bot not to thieve, I was incorrect that the logger would state there was a guard nearby, rather the paint will say "Waiting for guard to move". I made the guard detection area smaller as it was detecting guards that are on the tile directly west of the top left corner of the stall, the guard there will get stuck on the corner of the stall and won't walk around to attack the player so detection for that tile is not needed. Fix will be live in v6.0 which I just pushed.

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