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Molly's Thiever


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is there a certain way to setup for lvl 41 bandits, doesnt seem to work for me just lures the bandit and does nothing, would like to buy the script when this works

Was it getting stuck luring or anything? Any logs when the issue occurred? There are no special settings for the bandits.

@Molly May i have a trial?

Posting to confirm you got a trial.

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Sounds like the bandit got stuck on something and didn't follow the bot all the way, is that what happened? I'll try to replicate this issue.

Hmmm hard to say it didn't seem like it was getting stuck on anything, i will most likely buy the script anyway but if you could check it out that'd be great just in case there is an issue, if not ill try again and hope for the best :)

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Hmmm hard to say it didn't seem like it was getting stuck on anything, i will most likely buy the script anyway but if you could check it out that'd be great just in case there is an issue, if not ill try again and hope for the best smile.png

I'm going to be re-writing my luring method a bit this Saturday when I'm off work, that should fix any issues.


Can I try this script out please?

Sure, you have a trial now.

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it won't run away from combat it'll just keep trying to pickpocket lol 

Have you had any issues with black jacking lately?

I understand what you are describing, my question was if there was anything in the logger. This is important because it helps to quickly troubleshoot the issue. I'll be looking into it in a few minutes after I get done testing another script.

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