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Hacked By Osrs Member


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Today afew mintues ago i was hacked by a osrs member who claimed to say don't bot and added a link to the message saying the mod k posted a message on the runescape forums. After clicking it I immediately realized the mistake and decided to download a super antivirus and clean my computer. At this point my computer is scanning and my internet is cut off, I was DDOSSED so my account would be taken offline so the hacker could compromise the account. After being logged in for sometime the hacker cleaned me of everything of value. I was just wondering what software the hacker may have used to get my account information. After clicking the link I DID NOT LOGIN so there is no way the user got my username and password through my keyboard. Also I didn't login to a false website, I did not get phished. 

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Did a java app pop up and ask you to run it? And did you click yes..? Did you LOG IN after you realized you did something stupid?

I did not think of a java driveby, however no I didnt click a run link Im not that stupid, but I do believe it is possible for them to run in the background. If this is the case is there a virus in my computer?

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I have no idea man I've never been ratted/ key logged... Best thing you should do now is set a pin on your rs Acc. Use the damn 2 step factor thingy they added. Then get some help don't even change your pass / attempt to rebuild until you find the root to this problem. I would try to help you more then talk but I must sleep. Good luck man PM me sometime and tell me how it went.

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Looks like the site may have been running an exploit kit. Very rare to find nowadays as they cost several thousand $ usually. What it does is it scans your computer for any software you run using few detection methods, software such as adobe or Java. These exploit kits are filled with exploits for versions of these programs, if one of these pieces of software on your computer is in a version with an open working exploit it will attempt to exploit it which can take several days depending on the exploit. Not all exploits give access to them keylogging/remote access but usually they give some form of access. All I can say is make sure you keep everything updated, there is a reason to why a lot of these software's such as Java update so often. Sorry for your loss man

Edited by mousey225
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