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Ban after few minutes of using 2.1.15 client


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I got banned after like 10 min of using the dream miner is my ip flagged? i have botted other accounts and gotten banned for it using the previous client.

Sorry i also forgot to mention that on the same account i botted for like 3 days for 4 hours a day with like a 6 hour break in between each 2 hours of botting with another bot program. I switched to this because new version came out and wanted to test it.

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It might have been that your IP was flagged and you got a delayed ban from using the other client for such an extensive period of time. It may just have been a coincidence that you were using 2.1.15 at the time of being banned which is a bit unfortunate. If you have botted other accounts on the same IP and got them banned then it wouldn't be a bad idea to invest in a Proxy/Change your IP as it's most likely flagged.

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