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APA Rock Crabs


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Oh no but it actually stops the bot aswell.. The bot just stops and does nothing.


Never knew they dropped tooth halfs lol, and yeah fair enough leave it on then i guess.


Annoyingly the new client update has an inbuilt "Loading..." handler which can interupt the pathwalking. I'd suggest you stick to the client version 2.2.2 (it should work perfectly on there! )

Edited by Apaec
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It still freezes on the path walking in the same spot for me every time. Has to do with the loading handler. Please fix this .. this is the first paid bot I've used and I'm disappointed


Yes apologies about this. The client unhooking is still broken and I'm trying to fix ASAP. For now please run the script on client version 2.2.2 (the previous client) until the devs get round to updating the hooking. Sorry about this.

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It was running good for a hour and a half but for the past 5 mins its just been standing there. It did this earlier aswell i just reset the bot and it worked, but why does it do this? yes i am running it on osbot 2.2.2.


Hmm, not sure. I'll look into this, thanks for reporting. Perhaps could be random related but never seen this before unsure.png When abouts does this happen? when it's walking to the rock crabs or when it's killing them or?

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it does it on both sides, when it runs from the crabs to make them aggresive again it just stops and sits there, same thing on the west side, it sits where the hobogoblin is at and doesnt attack anything, i have to manually pause the script move it elsewhere and unpause and itll pick up normally, have to babysit it so i can get the exp i need :/

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Just got back i left it running for 7 hours, i died, lost items (i could care less just warning you), i was stuck in the lederhorsen random, i dont know how long, but it was just standing there.


Hmm randoms are handled by the client but I'm using an updated pathwalking system. Perhaps I could revert to the previous pathwalking in order to stop it from failing to reach the areas, however ive been testing it and this hasn't happend to me at all... how strange. Thank you for reporting, i'll ask around and see if this is a common issue. Are you running it on low fps mode or something? :|.

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Hmm randoms are handled by the client but I'm using an updated pathwalking system. Perhaps I could revert to the previous pathwalking in order to stop it from failing to reach the areas, however ive been testing it and this hasn't happend to me at all... how strange. Thank you for reporting, i'll ask around and see if this is a common issue. Are you running it on low fps mode or something? :|.


Idk, im running it again and it happen again, im just pausing, moving back to crabs, and unpausing and it starts again no problems. Im running at 50-52 fps steadily, Not dropping at all.

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I got this on the west side when it ran away to make crabs aggresive again, i would include screenshot but file is too big and i dont know how to reduce it


.[WARN][07/13 10:09:15 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ch.getTiles()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:09:15 AM]: [T1] Attempt to access injected method [ch.setWrapper()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:09:15 AM]: [T1] Attempt to access injected method [ch.getWrapper()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:10:51 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ab.getDefinition()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:11:04 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [y.getName()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:11:20 AM]: [T1] Attempt to access injected method [cl.getBot()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:11:20 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [cl.getX()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:11:20 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [cl.getY()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:11:20 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [cl.getZ()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:11:20 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [cl.getObjects()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:11:20 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [cl.getSubTile()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:11:20 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [cl.getGroundItemStack()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:11:20 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [cl.getGroundDecoration()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:11:20 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [cl.getWallDecoration()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:11:20 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [cl.getWallObject()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:14:36 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ck.getVerticeCount()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:14:36 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ck.getVerticesX()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:14:36 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ck.getVerticesY()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:14:36 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ck.getVerticesZ()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:14:36 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ck.getTriangleCount()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:14:36 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ck.getTrianglesA()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:14:36 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ck.getTrianglesB()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:14:36 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ck.getTrianglesC()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:09 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [y.getName()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getMessage()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getActions()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getId()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getType()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getContentType()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getAlpha()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getWidth()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getHeight()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getItemId()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getInv()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getTextColor()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getSpellName()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getScrollMax()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getSpriteX()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getSpriteY()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getSprites()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T1] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getBot()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getX()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getY()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getEnabledMediaType()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getEnabledMediaId()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getDisabledMediaType()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getDisabledMediaId()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getInvStackSizes()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getSpriteIndex1()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getSpriteIndex2()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getSelectedActionName()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getInvSpritePaddingX()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getInvSpritePaddingY()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getScrollPosition()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getActionType()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getMouseOverPopupInterface()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getConditionType()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getDynamicValueFormulas()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getHiddenUntilMouseOver()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getTextDrawingAreaIndex()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getTooltip()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getChildren()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getItemAmt()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T1] Attempt to access injected method [ed.setWrapper()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T1] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getWrapper()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getConditionValueToCompare()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getSpellUsableOn()] has been blocked!
[ERROR][bot #1][07/13 10:15:40 AM]: Error in script executor!
    at Main.mainclass.onLoop(l:755)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(ScriptExecutor.java:99)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[WARN][07/13 10:16:39 AM]: [T1] Attempt to access injected method [ch.getBot()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:16:39 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ch.getObjects()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:16:39 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ch.getTiles()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:16:39 AM]: [T1] Attempt to access injected method [ch.setWrapper()] has been blocked!
[WARN][07/13 10:16:39 AM]: [T1] Attempt to access injected method [ch.getWrapper()] has been blocked!
[iNFO][bot #1][07/13 10:16:55 AM]: Script APA Rock Crabs has paused!
[iNFO][bot #1][07/13 10:17:00 AM]: Script APA Rock Crabs has resumed!
[WARN][bot #1][07/13 10:17:00 AM]: Event executor is taking too long to suspend; ignoring now...
[WARN][07/13 10:17:42 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [v.getAmounts()] has been blocked!


Thats all i get at the bottom at both sides, and like i said i do, i pause move player and unpause problem solved. I hope you get this fixed soon, i bought it so i dont have to be at the computer training my account but it seems like i have to or my bot doesnt work properly :(

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Ok so i watched it happen now, it was doing good for 2 hours, just 1 hiccup i moved it and it worked fine, as i was babysitting it, the rock crabs got unaggrasive and the bot walked away and started walking back but then on the way back it got this message on the bottom:


[ERROR][bot #1][07/13 11:57:19 AM]: Error in script executor!
    at Main.mainclass.onLoop(l:755)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(ScriptExecutor.java:99)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

Then it proceded to just stand there, maybe that will tell you something idk, im sorry if i seem to bug you but i paid for this bot, i would like it to work and me not having to babysit it, i understand not everything works perfectly, but maybe this can help. :D

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I got this on the west side when it ran away to make crabs aggresive again, i would include screenshot but file is too big and i dont know how to reduce it


.[WARN][07/13 10:09:15 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ch.getTiles()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:09:15 AM]: [T1] Attempt to access injected method [ch.setWrapper()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:09:15 AM]: [T1] Attempt to access injected method [ch.getWrapper()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:10:51 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ab.getDefinition()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:11:04 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [y.getName()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:11:20 AM]: [T1] Attempt to access injected method [cl.getBot()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:11:20 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [cl.getX()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:11:20 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [cl.getY()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:11:20 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [cl.getZ()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:11:20 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [cl.getObjects()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:11:20 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [cl.getSubTile()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:11:20 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [cl.getGroundItemStack()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:11:20 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [cl.getGroundDecoration()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:11:20 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [cl.getWallDecoration()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:11:20 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [cl.getWallObject()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:14:36 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ck.getVerticeCount()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:14:36 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ck.getVerticesX()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:14:36 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ck.getVerticesY()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:14:36 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ck.getVerticesZ()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:14:36 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ck.getTriangleCount()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:14:36 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ck.getTrianglesA()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:14:36 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ck.getTrianglesB()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:14:36 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ck.getTrianglesC()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:09 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [y.getName()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getMessage()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getActions()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getId()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getType()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getContentType()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getAlpha()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getWidth()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getHeight()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getItemId()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getInv()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getTextColor()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getSpellName()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getScrollMax()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getSpriteX()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getSpriteY()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getSprites()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T1] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getBot()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getX()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getY()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getEnabledMediaType()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getEnabledMediaId()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getDisabledMediaType()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getDisabledMediaId()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getInvStackSizes()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getSpriteIndex1()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getSpriteIndex2()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getSelectedActionName()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getInvSpritePaddingX()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getInvSpritePaddingY()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getScrollPosition()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getActionType()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getMouseOverPopupInterface()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getConditionType()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getDynamicValueFormulas()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getHiddenUntilMouseOver()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getTextDrawingAreaIndex()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getTooltip()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getChildren()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getItemAmt()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T1] Attempt to access injected method [ed.setWrapper()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T1] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getWrapper()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getConditionValueToCompare()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:15:29 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ed.getSpellUsableOn()] has been blocked!

[ERROR][bot #1][07/13 10:15:40 AM]: Error in script executor!


    at Main.mainclass.onLoop(l:755)

    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(ScriptExecutor.java:99)

    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

[WARN][07/13 10:16:39 AM]: [T1] Attempt to access injected method [ch.getBot()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:16:39 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ch.getObjects()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:16:39 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [ch.getTiles()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:16:39 AM]: [T1] Attempt to access injected method [ch.setWrapper()] has been blocked!

[WARN][07/13 10:16:39 AM]: [T1] Attempt to access injected method [ch.getWrapper()] has been blocked!

[iNFO][bot #1][07/13 10:16:55 AM]: Script APA Rock Crabs has paused!

[iNFO][bot #1][07/13 10:17:00 AM]: Script APA Rock Crabs has resumed!

[WARN][bot #1][07/13 10:17:00 AM]: Event executor is taking too long to suspend; ignoring now...

[WARN][07/13 10:17:42 AM]: [T2] Attempt to access injected method [v.getAmounts()] has been blocked!


Thats all i get at the bottom at both sides, and like i said i do, i pause move player and unpause problem solved. I hope you get this fixed soon, i bought it so i dont have to be at the computer training my account but it seems like i have to or my bot doesnt work properly :(


Ok so i watched it happen now, it was doing good for 2 hours, just 1 hiccup i moved it and it worked fine, as i was babysitting it, the rock crabs got unaggrasive and the bot walked away and started walking back but then on the way back it got this message on the bottom:


[ERROR][bot #1][07/13 11:57:19 AM]: Error in script executor!


    at Main.mainclass.onLoop(l:755)

    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(ScriptExecutor.java:99)

    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)


Then it proceded to just stand there, maybe that will tell you something idk, im sorry if i seem to bug you but i paid for this bot, i would like it to work and me not having to babysit it, i understand not everything works perfectly, but maybe this can help. :D

Thanks for reports all. those big messages are from the client and occasionally abrupt path traversal. I suggest running on client 2.2.2 where it will be smoother. I've recently updated path walking but people seem to be experiencing errors. I'll look into it when I'm home (2morrow). sent from phone

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