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My account got two macro bans in the same day o.O


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My account got a macro ban, and like 3 weeks later i lost 4 mill and was like ok fuck this and started botting strength at hobgoblins (this was before f2p came out..) and i got a second, ban, i was like oh fuck so i checked my inbox and i was permabanned, i looked down to see that they had given me TWO BANS for in the SAME day? How is that possible? do you guys think they will reverse the ban? I have had this account since rsc came out and i have been playing 07 since it came out on it

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that means you were originally manually banned, then jagex reviewed it and decided that you deserved a permenant ban.

so they think 20 hours of botting should ruin thousands of hours of legit play? considering the age of my account and the fact that i spent so little time botting, you would think I would have the best chance possible of getting let off?

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so they think 20 hours of botting should ruin thousands of hours of legit play? considering the age of my account and the fact that i spent so little time botting, you would think I would have the best chance possible of getting let off?

Botting is against the rules and that is that. Breaking the rules has it's consequences.

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