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Guest Apogee

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Guest Apogee

For OSBot 1:

client.getSkills().getLevel(Skill HUNTER);

For OSBot 2:

getSkills().getStatic(Skill HUNTER); // This returns the player's TRUE level.

getSkills().getDynamic(Skill HUNTER); // This returns the players temp level.  (The level on the left that is affected by pots/drains)
int currenthp = getSkills().getDynamic(Skill HITPOINTS);

int HPlevel = getSkills().getStatic(Skill HITPOINTS); 

int halfofhp = (getSkills().getStatic(Skill HITPOINTS) / 2);
if (currenthp <= halfofhp) {
     // eat

I did not leave out "client" on accident. 

You don't use it anymore for things like this. Hopefully this helps somebody out there.

Edited by Bitter
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Guest Apogee

God, osbot 2 is worse than I thought. Not a huge improvement.



It's simply more efficient, or at least it WILL be when it's all there.

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Guest Apogee

Not at all, please study programming languages before making claims like this.


This new API is a step back as far as I'm concerned.



I wasn't referring to scripting. I was talking about performance.

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