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Very Unreliable Scripters


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You better keep updating those scripts in the afterlife. We're holding you responsible.


But seriously though, if you're buying a one time purchase premium script, you're taking the risk. You can't force any scripter to update their scripts, nor can the OSBot administration.


This is bad logic. If I am buying a premium script, I should only be seeing it AS a premium script if the OSbot staff has deemed the person a responsible scripter. We should not have to worry about purchasing a script and having the scripter bail, at the loss of our money. While that is an unavoidable thing to have happen in some sense, it should be grounds for an automatic refund which has presently been denied to me several times. The truth is, if you are an active enough scripter to be commenting on a thread such as this one, you are not of the group of scripters I am addressing and I hope none of you take offense to this. I was just stating that there is a very large problem with the amount of scripters versus the amount of RELIABLE ones. 

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If you have issues with your scripts then clearly your not choosing the correct scripts to purchase. MANY of the scripters on the SDN are extremely active whereas SOME don't bother unless its once in a while... As much as i agree with the fact it is wrong to not receive support after u purchase, i also think you hold the responsibility in choosing the correct script which comes with the support. So really i don't see it anyone's fault but your own. 

then it should be taken off the market

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Just take a look at my post and you'll see why your scripts you purchased are so bad.


Thank god somebody understands. I'm not even versed in programming (besides an abitrary bit of visual basic and C++) but I can see that honestly some of these scripters appear to have less programming knowledge than even myself. It's just astonishing to me that I can make these evaluations of these scripters but they're still listed as scripters and allowed to sell their products. Something really needs to be done, if you only have 6 reliable scripters, well that's just too bad, keep the decent scripters working on their scripts while they are in the free section of the SDN, until it is observable even to the untrained eye that their bots are working near-flawlessly. If a scripter shows that they can produce and upkeep say, 2-3 scripts at a time running pretty much flawlessly, that seems grounds for letting them put their BEST script (one they must maintain a bit more) as a premium script. Yes, it will take time to find them, but the profit made will be an incredible amount higher due to people feeling secure in their purchase of these scripts. As it stands, I don't know if I'm going to have a working script after paying up to $15 for them, and that is absolutely rediculous.

lifeteam is of the script not the script writer. If I were to put a lifetime script up today and 100 people bought then I removed it yesterday I would have done nothing wrong and wouldn't have had to give refunds because those 100 people had the script for its lifetime.

Step 1) Put up script today

Step 2) Let 100 people purchase script

Step 3) Remove script yesterday

Step 4) ?????

Step 5) Profit

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Other than the fact that by removing a lifetime script you are required to either A. make it free and keep supporting it as a you would a premium script or B. release the source code. Failure to do either of those will result in your ability to sell scripts being removed as well as your source code being released automatically.

Except for the fact I am talking in general not specifically towards OSBot.

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Think of it this way.
When you purchase a product (say a computer)

if it goes to shit in a year, do you get your money back?

(obviously if you pay for the guarantee, you do, but we don't have those)

So why should scripts be different?
You're buying the script as is.

If it's a monthly fee, then you are paying for the script each month to be updated.

If you purchase the script, and there's a runescape update that night and it's broken, then you can get a refund.

If you purchase the script, and three months later it breaks. Why the flying fuck would you get your money back?


I honestly think the payments should all be made monthly. Then if a script breaks and isn't fixed, they get that month's money back, and the script is removed.


Though I do agree with the fact that a lot of scripts have no fucking idea what they're doing. This leads to them uploading a shitty premium script for 1/3 the price of all the others, then never logging back onto this site again because "scripting is hard".

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If I may make one last comment here, I think the majority of people are confusing scripting and programming actually are and how they relate. Scripting (in the context of creating bot scripts) can be done with MINIMAL Java knowledge and someone with a month of Java experience can make a fully functional flawless script. Yes the code may be terrible, however in my opinion if it works it works. Programming on the other hand involves not only a flawless application, but also designed upon a framework with scalability and proper conventions, design patterns, etc.


With that being said yes I do think scripters should have a much richer knowledge of how to program, but it shouldn't be a requirement for putting a premium script out there. My very first script I ever wrote (about a month into learning Java as well) is now the most sold premium script on OSBot and has been performing without any bugs for 4+ months now without a single update. Considering it was made on nested if/else statements I think that is evidence enough that scripting and programming are two entirely different things.

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This is the exact reason why OSBot scripts are so bad. Scripting has a direct correlation to programming. Also, you can't create a flawless script for 2 reasaons: 1.) OSBot's api doesn't allow for flawlessness 2.) RuneScape is shit. Your opinion is wrong as fuck, if code is shitty then yes it might "work", but it's going to be horribly executed. The fact that you say someone doesn't need knowledge about OOP, Java, or basic problem solving for that matter (which is what programming is) to sell their code is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard said.


Probably gonna come off as a cunt but,


Instead of just complaining about how trash the scripts/scripters are, why don't you go and make one?


Seriously, all you're doing is bashing on the scripters, why not go and show them how it's done.


Make a couple scripts, make sure they are updated constantly, then have to put up with people constantly complaining about it/not knowing how to use it ect...


Balance that with a social life/work/school ect, which i'm positive a lot of the scripters here have to do, and it doesn't seem easy...

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Probably gonna come off as a cunt but,


Instead of just complaining about how trash the scripts/scripters are, why don't you go and make one?


Seriously, all you're doing is bashing on the scripters, why not go and show them how it's done.


Make a couple scripts, make sure they are updated constantly, then have to put up with people constantly complaining about it/not knowing how to use it ect...


Balance that with a social life/work/school ect, which i'm positive a lot of the scripters here have to do, and it doesn't seem easy...

sounds like excuses to me, if you don't have the time don't make it prem

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