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Getting bullied :(


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Disputed member: Raflesia

Thread Link: Chat

Explanation: He is soo mean, he bullies me on chat and irl sad.png Imma cry. He always slapps me when i walk past him and steals my lunch money. Then when i get home he abuses me online sad.png I feel raped!





He also bullies other people, i swear no fakerino!




Pls give me his mod power, so i can rape him back, thanks

























































This isnt real....


Edited by McFirm
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Disputed member: Raflesia

Thread Link: Chat

Explanation: He is soo mean, he bullies me on chat and irl sad.png Imma cry. He always slapps me when i walk past him and steals my lunch money. Then when i get home he abuses me online sad.png I feel raped!





He also bullies other people, i swear no fakerino!




Pls give me his mod power, so i can rape him back, thanks

























































This isnt real....


He made you write that comment in the spoiler, didn't he? 

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