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Hashtag Sk00n

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My flatmate was challenger #2 EUW last season, then his account was stolen by his former teammate... lol.

And you're worrying about being stuck in plat 1, xD.

Play duo or something, perhaps that'll help.


When I'm duoing with my friend, who's about same skill level as me, we still win games by owning botlane hard.


RIP in peace, but euw/10

I've had a few friends that made it to challenger on NA, and one of them is on cloud 9's new challenger team, etc.


I occasionally duo, but I tend to have more fun playing alone.

I've basically only played Jinx this whole season, she fun.

I'm really bad though



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RIP in peace, but euw/10

I've had a few friends that made it to challenger on NA, and one of them is on cloud 9's new challenger team, etc.


I occasionally duo, but I tend to have more fun playing alone.

I've basically only played Jinx this whole season, she fun.

I'm really bad though




Lol, those ranked stats.


106 games jinx, 10 games others. XD

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RIP in peace, but euw/10

I've had a few friends that made it to challenger on NA, and one of them is on cloud 9's new challenger team, etc.


I occasionally duo, but I tend to have more fun playing alone.

I've basically only played Jinx this whole season, she fun.

I'm really bad though




First off "RIP in peace"... yea so next subject :p

Next subject: went 4/6 provs and was put into bronze 3 -.-

First time playing ranked ever... and I have been playing league since S1 W10

I will learn more

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