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Some fixes with this version.



Withdraw-X should now select the option if it already exists (or enter in a value if it doesn't).

Prevented a few infinite loops associated with logout.

Character.isUnderAttack() modified so that it now checks for a valid attacker (using isFacing() and HP > 0). I don't know if this is going to cause some problems with bosses, so if it does, please let me know.




setRunning() fixed.


Will this be the default way to handle combat if the scripter has made his own way to handle combat?

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i downloaded the latest bot , i've got the latest java / jdk and when i try to logg in it just says:INFO You have no repository scripts!

To add a repository script, go to http://osbot.org and visit the store!
[ Failed to log in!
Yes i've typed every single letter carefully and i've used my forum account. please if you guys have any idea how to fix this i'd be really thankful. if this is an retarded question or so what ever i'm sorry. thx!
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