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Proxy Batch File Generator - Use Proxies On OSBot!


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Cloudnine made this, I'm posting on his behalf until he can get back on his account. (We pretty much live together. We hang out 24/7)


Anyways, it's going to generate a .bat file for using proxies on OSBot. It simply uses the proxy parameters for launching a file with java.exe.


Pretty simple, but it's very helpful if you're going to be running 20 different accounts on 20 different proxies.


No, this isn't hated off of Xavier's tutorial, Oracle themselves added the ability to put in proxy parameters when launching a class or .jar with Java, this is something universal, public.

You can find tutorials for it on Google. However you can't find any generators for it on Google. That's why this was made.


Why is this in the tutorials section? It's showing you how to do something, it's not just providing you with a .exe file and saying have fun. It simply provides you with the code you'll be putting inside the .bat file after you fill out a form.


This also works on any bot client, so no need to use [other bot]'s crappy proxy settings(No hate, it's just really buggy at the moment).

Edited by Cbm3
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I'm not suggesting this, but it's possible that that site stores submitted usernames and passwords, so here's what it outputs:

@echo off
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe -Dhttp.proxyHost=ip -Dhttp.proxyPort=port -jar -Xmx256m Osbot.jar


Put an ip for "ip", port for "port", and replace Osbot.jar with your correct jar file. Save it as a .bat file.

Edited by Toph
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I'm not suggesting this, but it's possible that that site stores submitted usernames and passwords, so here's what it outputs:

@echo off

C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe -Dhttp.proxyHost=ip -Dhttp.proxyPort=port -jar -Xmx256m Osbot.jar


Put an ip for "ip", port for "port", and replace Osbot.jar with your correct jar file. Save it as a .bat file.

Lol, I sell proxies. I know ev1s user and pass for my proxies, that's mostly what this is for. :P Plus using someone else's proxy would just get you banned. But yeah if they're more comfortable with that, then that's fine.


Edited out competitor name.

Oh sorry thanks :P

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