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Would anybody use this application?


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I'm currently creating a program where you drag any file into it and it creates a shortcut right there for you. It's sort of a directory but for many applications. Only reason I'm making this is because my desktop is messy as shit and I could totally use this to organize everything


Preview of what it should look like:




I just started working on it today, all it does is create a panel at your cursor, draw to it and if you click on it run the application.


So, would anyone be interested?

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The thoughts good, but sadly, no. There's already an effective, mainstream application for your specific purpose: Rocketdock.


Edit: I haven't used their application in years! They have added a new feature that allows you to minimize windows to the dock, i.e., media players. This may be useful for your bots.


...Hmm, maybe I re-install Rocketdock.

Edited by liverare
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