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Gallery, need c/c.


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Hey guys. I'm in need of major c/c because its been forever since i've used photoshop. I know they're very basic and just text but i'm going to add to this topic as i make more and more and i just need tips and your thought's on everything that i make. It'd be much appreciated and i might as well be labeled a noob when it comes to cs but here's the 3 that i have so far and i'll keep adding them as i make more. thank's for reading and i hope that i can get better as i go with a lot of trial and error haha.







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A logo should be simple, clean and represent your product. It's a good thing to see that you're making multiple ones, that is the way to go until you're satisfied with your final result. I also reccomend you to make some sketches with your ideas first before starting to digitalize it. From what you've posted I can see that there's still some work :D but keep practising and you'll get there!

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thank you guys, i cant share what it is because it's against the rules. I hope to get better haha. I'm not only designing the logo currently. I'm working on some button's too and those are a lot easier to be content with just because they have less detail to them in my opinion but everyone's different when it comes to how detailed they want their work to be

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