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Scammed By fish fishy


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I would like to remind you of the rules & guidelines of the OSBot market: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/2624-your-rules-and-guide-to-the-osbot-market/


Your participation


The participation in the OSBot market is completely at your own risk! Scamming is not allowed, but use your common sense to detect scams and scammers. OSBot staff will not always judge in the event of scamming and therefore also sometimes refrain from punishments being applied to users, unless it's a very clear case. There are several reasons for this:


  1. If the OSBot staff is the jury in scam cases, corruption of staff members will be inevitable in the future as the market grows. First of all because there will be a need for more moderators in charge of the market, thus creating a less controlled environment, and second and most important of all is that moderators could be tempted to take money or have ulterior hidden motives to favor one in front of the other. 
  2. Our community needs to be aware that trading of virtual items is always an event bringing risk in to the boxring. We want you to pay attention, thus not simply rely on the staff team to back you up in case something goes wrong, for example getting scammed.

Ok, so now that's being discussed we move on.


The event of scamming


As discussed earlier, the OSBot staff will not always interfere in the occasion of scamming unless the facts are obvious beyond reasoning. But to prevent further scamming by this person in the future, you have to leave negative feedback for this user so other people can stay away from doing any trades with this person. You can do this by going to the users their profile pages, and click on "Leave feedback". Describe what happened there and mark it as negative before submitting. 


There is insufficient prove here and it will be hard to prove either one your cases.

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