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Regarding people opening services.


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Yea, this aswell. Same applies for MM.


I personally wouldn't mind being a middleman, i have more than enough time to look over trades and i want to keep this forum safe from scammers and such. But with the amount of people offering this service many who go into trade do not know who to turn to and so just ignore a MM and then their chance of being scammed increases alot :/

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I agree, i also think services such a middlemans should be decided by mods/admins on who can do that as they would have to find people who they find very trustworthy to be a MM rather than people with 20-30posts deciding they'll middleman :/


I don't think that this will be a proper solution.

A moderator or administrator could never say if someone is 100% legit.


If, some time later, the MM decides to scam, then the moderator or administrator that approved him would be blamed.

Edited by Raflesia
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I personally wouldn't mind being a middleman, i have more than enough time to look over trades and i want to keep this forum safe from scammers and such. But with the amount of people offering this service many who go into trade do not know who to turn to and so just ignore a MM and then their chance of being scammed increases alot :/

As said above, all service providers should pass through a specific filter than individually verified by an Admin to prove their validity. 

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I don't think that this will be a proper solution.

A moderator or administrator could never say if someone is 100% legit.


If, some time later, the MM decides to scam, then the moderator or administrator that approved him would be blamed.


Maybe VMM should pay a certain amount (Not too big) to a spare account which is just kept incase a MM scams. The administration may pay the refund back and also ban the MM. 


Obviously don't trust MM's with huge trades either, know the limit and unless do such big trades if it's an official admin him/herself.

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I don't think that this will be a proper solution.

A moderator or administrator could never say if someone is 100% legit.


If, some time later, the MM decides to scam, then the moderator or administrator that approved him would be blamed.


You have a very valid point. I guess for now people will have to trust their instincts and stay away from MMs who havent been around for that long on this forum.

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It seems to me that you've thought about this Service idea through.

And i totally agree. People who want to open up a service should almost go through a 'background check' as described in the original post.

ive been here since first week but i could have made 4-5 accounts (which i didnt) then i could say im trusted because ive been around for a long time


Being around for any length of time doesn't have any threshold on trustworthiness.

As you can see, I've been here for a small amount of time and I just refuse to scam anyone. I don't understand how being on this site for any length of time would make you trusted in any way. 

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Being on the forum for a long period of time doesn't mean you're trusted but being ACTIVE throughout the whole time on the forum, aiding people, communicating and even simply chatting. You grow a small bond with the same people and when they realise that they will trust you.



Didn't any Admin/Moderator get to see this yet? Don't want it to go to waste

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Being on the forum for a long period of time doesn't mean you're trusted but being ACTIVE throughout the whole time on the forum, aiding people, communicating and even simply chatting. You grow a small bond with the same people and when they realise that they will trust you.



Didn't any Admin/Moderator get to see this yet? Don't want it to go to waste


I'm following this topic from the beginning.


The feedback system has just been added, I think that looking at how active someone is, and how his feedbacks are, could form a clear image of that person.

This combined with the moderator/administrator screening system, as said before in this topic, could form a possible solution to this problem.

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