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Can I make a bot?


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Hello, I'm 15 years old with no education or knowledge of scripting


There is no possible way you can make a bot





Do you know how hard it is to make a bot? The coding required to make OSBot is insane. If he has no prior knowledge of coding, it will take him years to make a bot.


Timer from No advertising was 15 when he was working on the No advertising client. It will not take anyone years to make a bot. Trust me.



It will if you have 0 experience in java, and start trying to create a bot without learning java itself first. trust me.




He started when he was 13 I think

and its not that hard to make a bot might be long tho


trust me, speaking from personal experience: it's pretty damn hard.






Hello, I'm 15 years old with no education or knowledge of scripting


There is no possible way you can make a bot




He is right, you've got no idea what's in with creating a bot.



He can still learn it decently fast..


LOL you can learn to script decently fast, not how to make a bot, at least not when you don't have any previous experience with any program language at all

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[ Character ]
>ah implements com/gregdw/accessors/Character
	^isMoving --> Z ah.y 
	^getOverheadText --> Ljava/lang/String; ah.aq 
	^getAnimationId --> I ah.ag -1068851659
	^getXPosition --> I ah.x 1746397311
	^getYPosition --> I ah.k 449971449
	^getOrientation --> I ah.bi -388315081
	^getInteracting --> I ah.ay -1946153975

[ Player ]
>v implements com/gregdw/accessors/Player
	^getComposite --> Lfp; v.m 
	^getPlayerLevel --> I v.n 1809659731

[ PlayerComposite ]
>fp implements com/gregdw/accessors/PlayerComposite

[ Renderable ]
>cy implements com/gregdw/accessors/Renderable
	^getHeight --> I cy.bw -163277425

[ Model ]
>df implements com/gregdw/accessors/Model
	^getIndiceX --> [I df.i 
	^getIndiceY --> [I df.s 
	^getIndiceZ --> [I df.w 
	^getTriangleX --> [I df.t 
	^getTriangleY --> [I df.f 
	^getTriangleZ --> [I df.b 

[ Npc ]
>c implements com/gregdw/accessors/Npc
	^getComposite --> Laa; c.g 

[ NpcComposite ]
>aa implements com/gregdw/accessors/NpcComposite
	^getName --> Ljava/lang/String; aa.i 
	^getActions --> [Ljava/lang/String; aa.k 
	^getId --> I aa.n 345436077

[ Node ]
>fu implements com/gregdw/accessors/Node
	^getPrevious --> Lfu; fu.du 
	^getNext --> Lfu; fu.ex 
	^getUID --> J fu.da 

[ NodeHashTable ]
>fa implements com/gregdw/accessors/NodeHashTable

[ CacheableNode ]
>fn implements com/gregdw/accessors/CacheableNode
	^getPrevious --> Lfn; fn.cq 
	^getNext --> Lfn; fn.cq 

[ NodeDeque ]
>fm implements com/gregdw/accessors/NodeDeque
	^getCurrentNode --> Lfu; fm.m 
	^getHeadNode --> Lfu; fm.g 

[ CacheableNodeDeque ]
>fl implements com/gregdw/accessors/CacheableNodeDeque
	^getHead --> Lfn; fl.g 

[ NodeCollection ]
>fb implements com/gregdw/accessors/NodeCollection

[ ObjectDefinition ]
>av implements com/gregdw/accessors/ObjectDefinition
	^getName --> Ljava/lang/String; av.b 
	^getActions --> [Ljava/lang/String; av.au 

[ Item ]
>o implements com/gregdw/accessors/Item

[ ItemDefinition ]
>af implements com/gregdw/accessors/ItemDefinition

[ Tile ]
>cs implements com/gregdw/accessors/Tile
	^getInteractableObjects --> [Lcd; cs.b 
	^getWallDecorationObjects --> Ldm; cs.w 
	^getBoundaryObjects --> Lcl; cs.s 
	^getPlane --> I cs.g -750324224
	^getFloorDecorationObjects --> Ldl; cs.d 

[ CollisionMap ]
>fc implements com/gregdw/accessors/CollisionMap
	^theFlags --> [[I fc.ad 
	^getOffsetX --> I fc.av 1151106249
	^getOffsetY --> I fc.ak -2114716981

[ InteractableObject ]
>cd implements com/gregdw/accessors/InteractableObject
	^getRender --> Lcy; cd.i 
	^getPlane --> I cd.g -1233561711
	^getRelativeX --> I cd.n 1762481901
	^getRelativeY --> I cd.d -2128530007
	^getWorldX --> I cd.r 1991856049
	^getWorldY --> I cd.n 1762481901
	^getHeight --> I cd.v 503928923
	^getOrientation --> I cd.m -244052891
	^getIdHash --> I cd.z 2121945415
	^getFlags --> I cd.l -1487003779

[ SceneGraph ]
>cn implements com/gregdw/accessors/SceneGraph
	^getSceneTiles --> [[[Lcs; cn.i 
	^getInteractableObjects --> [Lcd; cn.d 

[ FloorDecorationObject ]
>dl implements com/gregdw/accessors/FloorDecorationObject
	^getX --> I dl.v -1559290943
	^getY --> I dl.r -556551711
	^getPlane --> I dl.g 1495188629
	^getIdHash --> I dl.m -1435016727
	^getFlags --> I dl.i -629220579

[ BoundaryObject ]
>cl implements com/gregdw/accessors/BoundaryObject
	^getX --> I cl.m 318627631
	^getY --> I cl.v 1097480347
	^getPlane --> I cl.g -192342207
	^getOrientation --> I cl.n 459440547

[ WallDecorationObject ]
>dm implements com/gregdw/accessors/WallDecorationObject
	^getX --> I dm.m -1889055089
	^getY --> I dm.v -1307691227
	^getPlane --> I dm.g -1408181023
	^getOrientation --> I dm.n -1219900039
	^getIdHash --> I dm.t 625086953
	^getFlags --> I dm.f -1040298057

[ ItemLayer ]
>cz implements com/gregdw/accessors/ItemLayer
	^getBottomItem --> Lcy; cz.n 
	^getMiddleItem --> Lcy; cz.m 
	^getTopItem --> Lcy; cz.i 
	^getHeight --> I cz.g -311088233
	^getX --> I cz.v 1251689639
	^getY --> I cz.r -1026305857
	^getPlane --> I cz.g -311088233

[ Projectile ]
>t implements com/gregdw/accessors/Projectile
	^getComposite --> Lak; t.y 

[ ProjectileComposite ]
>ak implements com/gregdw/accessors/ProjectileComposite

[ Socket ]
>bz implements com/gregdw/accessors/Socket

[ GroundItem ]
>x implements com/gregdw/accessors/GroundItem
	^isNonStackable --> Z x.t 

[ Widget ]
>ff implements com/gregdw/accessors/Widget
	^getParent --> Lff; ff.bc 
	^getParentId --> I ff.l 1282798231
	^getComponents --> [Lff; ff.dk 
	^getId --> I ff.b 1437064323
	^getY --> I ff.h -1372983597
	^getRelativeY --> I ff.x -1365162085
	^getX --> I ff.o 1864196447
	^getRelativeX --> I ff.j -15378657
	^getWidth --> I ff.k 1129787597
	^getHeight --> I ff.a -1465602145
	^isHidden --> Z ff.q 
	^getSlotContentIds --> [I ff.dx 
	^getSlotStackSizes --> [I ff.ds 
	^getItemId --> I ff.do -1468184713
	^getItemStackSize --> I ff.dh 1797767261
	^getText --> Ljava/lang/String; ff.bs 
	^getBoundsIndex --> I ff.dr 343489671

[ Mouse ]
>bb implements com/gregdw/accessors/Mouse
	^mousePosX --> I [Static] bb.m 286543103
	^mousePosY --> I [Static] bb.r 286543103

[ Friend ]
>y implements com/gregdw/accessors/Friend

[ Client ]
>client implements com/gregdw/accessors/Client
	^getLocalPlayer --> Lv; [Static] fs.hj 
	^getPlayerArray --> [Lv; [Static] client.gn 
	^getNPCArray --> [Lc; [Static] client.bo 
	^getSceneGraph --> Lcn; [Static] ci.df 
	^getBaseX --> I [Static] i.cl 1356069417
	^getBaseY --> I [Static] c.cv -1364280751
	^getCollisionMap --> [Lfc; [Static] client.w 
	^getWidgets --> [[Lff; [Static] ff.g 
	^getYaw --> I [Static] au.fc -1659749133
	^getPitch --> I [Static] aa.fp 1540110941
	^getPlane --> I [Static] aw.hk 632003247
	^getCameraX --> I [Static] k.fy -1953236587
	^getCameraY --> I [Static] fh.fs 1918943187
	^getCameraZ --> I [Static] ds.ft 786518251
	^groundByteArray --> [[[B [Static] d.m 
	^tileHeightArray --> [[[I [Static] d.g 
	^getCanvas --> Ljava/awt/Canvas; [Static] ei.px 
	^isMenuOpen --> Z [Static] client.hn 
	^getMenuX --> I [Static] p.hh 1738846423
	^getMenuWidth --> I [Static] at.hv 1583740445
	^getMenuY --> I [Static] ef.hr 1662299309
	^getMenuHeight --> I [Static] aw.ic 1214887953
	^getMenuLength --> I [Static] client.ik -1342266087
	^getMenuActions --> [Ljava/lang/String; [Static] client.ie 
	^getMenuOptions --> [Ljava/lang/String; [Static] client.im 
	^getSettingsArray --> [I [Static] fh.v 
	^getGroundItems --> [[[Lfm; [Static] client.hs 
	^mousePosX --> I [Static] bb.m 286543103
	^mousePosY --> I [Static] bb.r 286543103
	^getMinimapScale --> I [Static] client.fv -1976506507
	^getCompassAngle --> I [Static] client.du 1348192319
	^getMinimapOffset --> I [Static] client.ec 1061860279
	^getWidgetPositionsX --> [I [Static] client.ly 
	^getWidgetWidths --> [I [Static] client.li 
	^getWidgetHeights --> [I [Static] client.lo 
	^getWidgetPositionsY --> [I [Static] client.lr 
	^getFriendsArray --> [Ly; [Static] client.or 
	^getLoginIndex --> I [Static] client.l -610519114

Injected in 43ms
131/131 Fields found
32/32 Classes found

You will need to learn how to create an updater, that's step one.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Your guys really aren't understanding what the people saying "impossible" mean. He asked in his title if he could create a bot. Its VERY unlikely that he could program his own BOT without prior knowledge. A bot != a script means a bot doesn't equal a script, what he implied in his thread is he wants to make a script which is very possible.But a bot is a whole different story which requires a large scale project and a bit of time. Think about all the things a bot needs to recognize just starting with id/entity id's would be a pain. How about making every single antirandom script for his bot? This doesn't even begin to go into allowing his bot to register scripts ext. 


Summary: You meant to ask "can I make a script" not a bot. 


Unless this guy is some Mozart of programming.  

Edited by Crowned
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Of course, everyone has to start somewhere.

A great place to learn the basics for free would be here!

i don't think that place is good to learn, this is better (if you don't get bored of reading and can turn into a machine like me when needed) http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial


ye u are le programming wizard rawr teach me how to java

such machine


dat spelling doe!

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