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Automated mining & navigating to supported areas 




This release is currently in Beta as it is currently designed to lay the groundwork for future scripts. 

Feedback collected from this Beta release will help shape the frameworks used to build out more complex scripts in future releases. As this is a Beta release your feedback is critical. Additionally specific features might be added / removed in the future up until this script is removed from its Beta stage. 

The eMiner script allows users to select from a selected list of locations to navigate to and then mine. It is designed to be as "one click" as possible through the use of either a GUI or CLI launch parameters. 

Just have a axe equip, select your location / ore combination, fine tune any other settings as desired and click go. 


  • CLI support & generator
  • Web Walk Navigator to selected locations
  • Invoke Mouse Support (Option to disable soon)
  • Power Miner - Drop All Ores and/or gems (Banking support soon)
  • Built in micro AFK simulation
  • Switch worlds based on crowd size (Looks for only players that are very close to the character. This might be customizable in the future)
  • Configurable to stop at a specific level
    • Works perfect with OSBot Script Queueing system






The script relies on OSBot built in functions to navigate. If the path is too complex for OSBot to handle by default, the script will fail. For these complex situations, consider a purpose built script designed exactly with your scenario in mind. 


Known Issues:

- The GUI is currently being worked on to support the SDN. https://osbot.org/forum/topic/182367-eminer/#comment-2768328 for more info.  


Edited by Epod
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Just a heads up - the SDN Build currently is having issues with displaying the GUI. I am unable to replicate the issue locally so I have to keep pushing test fixes to the SDN until I narrow down what the issue is. 

If you are running into issues with the GUI, the CLI will still work for this script:

-location=West Falador Mine -rock=Tin rocks -stopAtLevel=1 -crowdThreshold=2 -dropGems=true -afkSimulator=true

Supported Locations:


Al Kharid Mine
Barbarian Village Mine
North Brimhaven Mine
South Brimhaven Mine
Crafting Guild Mine
North Crandor Mine
South Crandor Mine
Dwarven Mine
Edgeville Dungeon Mine
West Falador Mine
Lumbridge Swamp Training Mine
West Lumbridge Swamp Mine
Mining Guild
Rimmington Mine
South East Varrock Mine
South West Varrock Mine
East Ardougne Mine


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