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AIO Scurrius

Eagle Scripts

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  On 3/15/2024 at 5:38 PM, flipingmonk said:

good dose the job but sadly it dies alot and dose not collect from death so it just logs out 7/10


It should be collecting to the grave, not to mention that it shouldn't really die in the first place.

Are your proxies stable, i.e. not lagging/dc'ing regularly?

Consider writing me on Discord such that we can see how that might happen.


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  On 3/15/2024 at 6:38 PM, Eagle Scripts said:

It should be collecting to the grave, not to mention that it shouldn't really die in the first place.

Are your proxies stable, i.e. not lagging/dc'ing regularly?

Consider writing me on Discord such that we can see how that might happen.



@flipingmonk Please contact me either on Discord or via PM.

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  On 3/19/2024 at 3:26 PM, flipingmonk said:

@Eagle Scripts it works fine just ends up dyeing to rock falls mainly wile fighting big rats . its not to often but when it dose it gets stuck at spawn in lumbridge next time it happens ill try to clip it . over all the scrip is fantastic and im not complaining .


Glad to hear you're liking it. If you could indeed try to record it the next time it happens, that'd be lovely.

However, even though you're satisfied, I'd still like to find the cause of dying and/or supposed issue of not collecting the grave.
Dying to rockfalls has never happened to me while testing, nor any of my beta testers. Theoretically this should only happen if either your client is lagging badly/slow.

Are you using mirror mode or injection?
Are you using invokes?

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no invokes just died again but it seems to now reequip items and pick them up at grave so thats good. it seems to be when the big rats are out and instead of moveing to avoid rocks it just focuses on the rats and gets hit probably wouldn't happen if i set eating at a high help % . i would say have the falling rock prioritized over killing the rats  still i would use this anyday just the way it is thanks again.

oh and im in stealth and i missed getting a clip this time

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  On 3/20/2024 at 11:24 PM, flipingmonk said:

no invokes just died again but it seems to now reequip items and pick them up at grave so thats good. it seems to be when the big rats are out and instead of moveing to avoid rocks it just focuses on the rats and gets hit probably wouldn't happen if i set eating at a high help % . i would say have the falling rock prioritized over killing the rats  still i would use this anyday just the way it is thanks again.

oh and im in stealth and i missed getting a clip this time


All right. Indeed, the script currently prioritizes attacking the rats first. I could consider changing this but I recall changing this order for a reason.

If you die because of rubble falling once you might indeed just want to increase the hitpoints at which it eats.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  On 4/18/2024 at 9:25 PM, Learning82 said:

Is this broken at the moment? 


- Will not enter rat lair, sits on choice of instance and doesn't enter.

- When manually entering it will dds spec till out of spec bar then ferox teleport and stand and drink from pool continually 


It shouldn't be.

Could you message me on Discord regarding these? Would need a bit more information regarding this, such as your setup and screenshots. Feel free to click on the link in my signature and message me in there.

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