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Report: Onthenodagen


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Payments link: [STAFF CHECK HIDDEN]


I sell Script Factory scripts. The price is $149.99 for a bunch of scripts but since not everyone has that kind of money, I offer payment plans on the condition that they commit. I cannot de-auth them once they have downloaded the scripts (the auth is local).

User agreed to a payment plan on July 2, 2023. He was 24 days late on his second payment. His latest payment was supposed to be on September 26, 2023. However, he left the discord. He owes $89.99 as of today. I sent him an OSBot message, reminding him of the payment on October 11, 2023. He hasn't responded or logged into OSBot since October 5, 2023. 


I used to ask buyers to send me a picture of their settings page where their username and email address was visible as proof it was them purchasing. Now I just ask them to send me an OSBot message. Figured that's better. Here is the snip of the ticket I kept as evidence.



Gif of discord UID:


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  • 4 weeks later...

He last logged in to OSBot's website on October 8 and I sent him the payment reminder on October 11. Could be a coincidence but seems unlikely. Probably saw the message notification and decided not to log anymore.

As with Eredinek, I don't want these people banned but I do wish they couldn't use my scripts anymore by preventing from using SF/SF2 (If that's possible) until they fully pay the amount owed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If it had been on a direct debit i had money in my account and it would have paid i havent really being playing osrs since ive come back home but i have paid for VIP on osbot and just saw it on a statement and decided to log on very sorry once again if you just give me another week or 2 i can pay in full

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Hey man. That's no problem.

It might take me a bit to reply since I'm going through some medical stuff atm, but here are all the payment methods




PayPal USA
When sending money through PayPal, write the purpose and any identifier (such as OSBot username) on the "What's this for?" box.

PayPal Japan
When sending money through PayPal, write the purpose and any identifier (such as OSBot username) on the "What's this for?" box.

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