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Fruity Barrows (Frost Barrows)


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When I start 0.77 the client doesn't load. It give me an exception


EDIT: Fixed the exception. My accounts.dat was corrupted


EDIT2: Work on 0.77

Thanks for confirming


how much barrows makes per h?

You can check the overall average by looking at the 'Overall' dynamic signature in the first post


Really thinking of buying this, getting home in an hour would really like a 10 hr trial And I'll post a very juicy proggy


Could i get a short trial before i buy it frost? Not sure if you got my pm or not.



Adding trials for you two now.

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I think I had it dealt with a while ago. But would be nice if anyone can confirm


Awesome ill begin using it then! How long do trials last?

24 hours


How come when i start the script it teles me to lummy goes to bank and logs out?

I'm not psychic :doge:

But the reason will be visible in the client console, and in the script log file

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I think I had it dealt with a while ago. But would be nice if anyone can confirm


24 hours


I'm not psychic doge.png

But the reason will be visible in the client console, and in the script log file

Ahh my fault my fault... Had something to do with no having a duel ring (5) on hahah...Working flawlessly atm.. Cya when my trial is done and talk to you when i buy this!happy.png

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