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Almost impossible it seems now.


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A big issue with getting banned that people don't often consider isn't what script you're using, or stealth/mirror, or IP, it's where you're botting.

For example, you shouldn't ever bot in Lumbridge, or really any F2P area to be honest.  I've been doing sand crabs for weeks and never had a ban while there, with this and other bots.  That's an area that I would expect would be low priority for Jagex, because it's so easy to AFK them already, they probably just expect everyone there to be AFKers.

Take areas into account and it can save you some heartache, I promise you

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On 4/15/2021 at 1:31 PM, NB6675 said:

A big issue with getting banned that people don't often consider isn't what script you're using, or stealth/mirror, or IP, it's where you're botting.

For example, you shouldn't ever bot in Lumbridge, or really any F2P area to be honest.  I've been doing sand crabs for weeks and never had a ban while there, with this and other bots.  That's an area that I would expect would be low priority for Jagex, because it's so easy to AFK them already, they probably just expect everyone there to be AFKers.

Take areas into account and it can save you some heartache, I promise you

Will definitely keep that in mind, cheers.

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11 hours ago, TOMK1N said:

I found personally some premium scripts attract more bans than others and certain actions have been bad for me. 

It's just trial and error finding out what works and what doesn't. 

Yeah, well since this original post, I've managed to keep a p2p acc ban free using lots of manual playing and not botting longer than an hour a day (which i know seems excessive, but I'll increase it bit by bit) 

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Drop the VPN and grab a proxy. VPNs are not what you want for this. Sure they may work and they may work for a while, but its far less reliable than a proxy. VPNs can be used by hundreds of people at once. Might even be someone else botting on the same IP as you! Picking up a couple proxies is typically cheaper than a VPN anyways. Every account I've ran on a VPN since I've returned has caught a ban within a few days or less.

I'm new back to OSRS botting, took a very long (3+ years?) hiatus. Even then where you chose to bot played a HUGE role into whether you caught a ban, granted being banned back then was a lot more difficult than now. Either way, pay close attention to where you're botting. Just because other players aren't around doesn't mean you're not being watched by their software.

In about the month I've been back I've trial and errored a lot. Have had around 16 accounts banned already, but have around another 12 going strong for several weeks and adding more every day. Lots of breaks, lots of doing things in non-bot areas, only botting 3-8 hours a day per account and keeping a routine with the bots. I wont bot an account that normally plays 11am-6pm every day at 2am and vice-versa.

Just think to yourself "If my job was to ban bots, where would I go, where would I look and what would I look for?" then do the exact opposite. Some tasks, skills and areas in OSRS are just simply off limits if you want your account to survive IMO. You might get away with it a few times, but you wont get away with it forever.

Keep at it if you want it. Expect your accounts to get banned. Some last a short time, some last a long time but none of them are actually forever.

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