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Exco Puro Puro


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On 12/2/2020 at 1:17 PM, Patrick said:




Current version: 1.0


Custom path finding to handle all types of wheat and whiltering areas inside Puro Puro

Catches all implings

Prioritises implings by reach-ability instead of raw distance

Banking for jars, butterfly net, runes and staminas

Snare/Bind/Entangle support

Stamina support

Trade in caught implings for more jars

World hopping


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 - At least level 17 Hunter. A higher level is highly recommended.

 - Completion of Lost City quest.


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- Initial release. - Based on dpuropuro


- Improved walking


- Improved walking & path generation

- Fixed getting stuck stunning implings


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Nothing here yet 😛


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The script is available on the SDN HERE at $9.99


If you want a trial please like this post and comment on the thread and I will activate the trial as soon as I can.

Each user is allowed one 24h trial each.

Bug Reports:

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Bug reports not in this format will be ignored:

Script Version:

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Stealth Injection or Mirror mode:

Brief description of the issue:

Stack trace and or contents of Logger:

Screenshot where it got stuck:

can i get a trial

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  • 1 month later...
  • Developer
On 11/29/2023 at 7:18 PM, butlerboy said:

trial please?


On 12/11/2023 at 5:39 AM, akers said:

can i get a trial


On 11/26/2023 at 6:56 PM, 5wan said:

Could I please trial this?



On 11/25/2023 at 2:50 AM, infamous777 said:

Love it, but I am having an issue where i get stuck on the exchange screen, it is not exchanging the implings i have collected for more impling jars, I have to go in and manually assist before it will go and bank all the jars and take out "x" requested jars, can you please see a fix to this?

Please show a screenshot and the logger output of where it is getting stuck.

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