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Bank - Withdraw - Bug, ore just me failing.


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Hello, guys.

Recently I have encountered strange behaviour. 

I have a script, where I iterate through items in bank (i need to withdraw only some, based on my data). As soon as i iterate through withdrawAll(item), the bank gets closed. Do you have any idea, what am i doing wrong? Or is it just some bug? Script is not getting me any message/any error/exception, it just closes the bank.


PS: This happens only if bank is opened for the first time during the script run. 

for (Item item : items) {
        int sellPrice = getItemSellPrice(item.getName());

        if (script.inventory.isFull()) {
            script.log("INV IS FULL");

        if (helper.in_array(item.getName(), saveAll)) {
            script.log("Item to save");

        if (helper.in_array(item.getName(), restrictedItems)) {
            script.log("Restricted item");

        if (getItemSellPrice(item.getName()) * item.getAmount() < 3000) {
            script.log("Too cheap shit");

        if (helper.in_array(item.getName(), saveOne) && item.getAmount() == 1) {
            script.log("Have only one, saving");
        } else if(helper.in_array(item.getName(), saveOne)) {
            if(noteWithdrawAllButOne(item.getName())) {

            script.log("Withdrawing all except one");
        } else {
            script.log("Withdraw all");
            if(noteWithdrawAll(item.getName())) {

        Sleep.sleep((int) (math.gRandom(2500, bot.rVariation) * bot.rTime));

    if (script.inventory.isEmpty()) {
        script.log("Inventory still empty after withdraw, ending this shit");

    //script.log("Close bank");
    action = "sale";

(noteWithdrawAll is just help method, worked fine till now)

public boolean noteWithdrawAll(String item) {
    if (!script.getBank().isBankModeEnabled(Bank.BankMode.WITHDRAW_NOTE)) {
        Sleep.sleepUntil(() -> script.getBank().isBankModeEnabled(Bank.BankMode.WITHDRAW_NOTE), 3000, 600);

    int itemCount = (int) itemCount(item);
    Sleep.sleepUntil(() -> itemCount(item) > itemCount, 3000, 600);

    return true;
Edited by azuresuN
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