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Facebook Contest Help


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Hello People of Osbot Spam section. Alright so bare with me, on Facebook my older sister has decided to join a contest on some newly jewelry based page. So rules are simple, get people you know to like the page and leave a comment on the contest comment saying whoever sent you. Now contest ends Sunday afternoon and I know it's stupid, believe me I didn't want to ask the forum over something this silly but my sister is 2nd to winning person in 1st has 32 people my sister legit has 24. I wouldn't mind helping her out so here I am. If ANYONE ONE reading this has a Facebook account and is willing to help my sister out I'd greatly appreciate it. If not totally understandable. I don't really expect this to get too many views or to make a difference in contest results but it's worth a shot right? 

The page is called " Dager's Dangles "
Simply like the page (keep in mind it ends Sunday so Monday you can unlike it or troll the page I really don't care)
And in the contest comment (latest comment) write "Heather Paige sent me OS" 
OS part really isn't needed but I would actually like to see who reads and helps out :)

So thanks for taking the time to read this, and if you decided to help then an even bigger thank-you. To those of you who chose not
to for any reason at all it's totally understandable. Sorry if this was a long read "/

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